So, Biden gave his farewell address yesterday. The speech was okay. It started out boring, but then he got fairly progressive later on. Always frustrates me to see people walking out the door suddenly get relatively progressive. Remember when Obama left office and started talking about UBI? It's a lot like that. Biden was the "nothing will fundamentally change" guy who was put in office to stop a Bernie Sanders presidency and now he's talking about special interests running the government. Lovely. Should've done that from the beginning. I hate how politicians think something but then act in this stiff boring way when they actually have the power to do something about it. But I digress. More of that in the review itself.
With that said, a fair tear down of Biden's presidency.
2020 campaign, agenda setting
As stated above, Biden was boring. He was the status quo candidate, the "nothing will fundamentally change" candidate, the "trust me special interests, I'll toe the line" guy. He was the guy who watered down Bernie's agenda into nothingness and ran as Clinton 2.0. He was a rather milquetoast and mediocre candidate. He ran on some policy, but everything was super watered down Bernie policies. In some regards, these were good things. Like I dont support a full green new deal. I could support, however, a mini version, which Build Back Better basically was. But then he chewed universal healthcare down to a public option. He threw all kinds of arbitrary limitations on student loan policy, and yeah. He was like Diet Bernie...but so full of aspertame it overpowers the taste. I didn't vote for him in 2020 for a reason. Because he was so mediocre, and so boring, and didn't do screw all. That and the dems literally screwed Bernie to put him into office. Wasn't gonna reward that.
So yeah, not a fan.
And he barely won vs Trump. Polling was, it was expected to be a relative Obama style landslide, instead, we got a very narrow win where he won by a net amount less than a point. Just like in 2016 and 2024, Trump overperformed, 2020 was different solely because Biden was so far ahead. Winning your first term by the skin of your teeth isnt a good sign. I mean, your reelection campaign is inevitably going to be worse. Trump lost because he lost support and Biden gained it, the energy was on the dems' side, and that's all there was to it. The fundamentals were the same as 2016 and 2024, he just managed to eek out a victory in a way that Clinton 2016 and Harris 2024 didn't. It was more the circumstances, not the man itself. The man was subject to a lot of the trends that other democrats were, he only exceeded them because of timing.
How Biden attempted to govern
I think to really judge the guy fairly, you gotta look at both how he attempted to govern, and how he governed. Despite everything I just said, Biden was a relatively progressive president with a relatively progressive agenda. He tried to pass a $15 minimum wage. He tried to pass student loan forgiveness via executive orders. He did manage to pass a lot of COVID era stuff that made peoples' lives better at the time. He did govern in ways to appeal to MAGA priorities too, with legislation like the CHIPS act. He wanted to pass a mini green new deal in build back better, with paid family leave and free preK and daycare and stuff. While not all of his proposals are exactly what I would have liked, they were often decent proposals, and you know? He tried.
How he actually governed
However, he also failed. A lot of the progressive legislation he wanted to pass never got passed for reasons beyond his control, whether it be the parliamentarian, republicans filabustering, Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema refusing to play ball, or SCOTUS shutting him down, his agenda was stifled by an agenda of a thousand cuts. He failed in part because he just isn't a god, he isnt a king, he has separation of powers, and the other branches just obstructed him. Can't blame him for that, although I understand why voters got upset at times.
Where he really failed on his economic agenda
One thing I will say that I wish he would've tried more on was the public option. A lot of stuff I can honestly say, he tried but failed. I give credit for trying and failing. But on healthcare, dude didn't even try. He completely abandoned the right on one of my highest priorities, and I gotta hold him to account here for it.
On social issues
On social issues, Biden is likely gonna be remembered for being "woke." He presided over the democratic party during an era of "wokeness", with black lives matter being front and center 2020. However, as we know, wokeness has always been kind of alienating to people, and to some extent, even if Biden himself was kinda reined in with it, the stench is there.
But yeah, i think of what accomplishments he had and it was stuff like Juneteenth. He did a lot for the social justice groups and the black community and the like. Again, not an opponent of that stuff, but I do think it may have contributed to his negative image.
Beyond that, he governed from the center and actually did try to portray himself as a moderate. he triangulated on immigration, stuff like that.
Beyond that, we just lost ground because of conservative tides on this subject. 2016 cost us the court, and the worst case scenario came to pass where roe v wade was struck down, and while that did kind of give the democrats a second wind in 2022, honestly, once again, despite having the executive, the other branches just screwed us and we actually lost a lot of our rights under a conservative SCOTUS.
On foreign policy
On foreign policy, I kind of treat Biden with kid gloves. I think he was a relatively competent executive. He tried to keep our alliances going, and tried to aid Ukraine in their war against Russia, and was quite successful. Still, there are a few things I feel like I gotta talk about.
On Afghanistan, he gets a lot of blame there. I think this blame is unfair. I think Afghanistan was a hot mess and we had to pull out at some point. It's like pulling the band aid off your really hairy leg. It's gonna hurt. But it is necessary. Bush got us into these wars, Biden got us out, finally. However, I have to admit, the pullout was chaos, and I understand why people attack him for it. I dont think its his fault. If anything trump made the deal, this just got dumped on Biden and he didn't do well with it. Was he in cognitive decline that early? Perhaps. Maybe that's why it wasn't planned out properly.
Beyond that, the other one I can say that Biden is wrong on was Israel. We're now looking at this with hindsight, I understand why Biden went along with it at the time, and even I tried to go along with it, you can probably criticize me too here, but honestly....Israel was not engaging in its 2023-2025 war (we just got a cease fire this week apparently) in good faith. They were committing genocide, and Biden, while he tried to handle it internally, he ended up ultimately enabling it. And while I will never get the heads of the self righteous people who made it their #1 issue, let's face it, they kinda had a point. And in retrospect, yeah, polling wise is showing that hurt us. As demonstrated yesterday, this issue wasn't alone to tip the election, but we could've possibly reduced the margins a bit.
On COVID and inflation...
Biden's biggest hits came from COVID and inflation. Sometimes it's best NOT to win elections. As a political scientist and one who studies American political history, honestly? I'm going to be honest. Sometimes you DONT wanna win. 2020 mightve been one of those times. Because then Biden was put in a pickle where he had to handle the recovery and that just left him this inflation time bomb that was waiting to go off.
Like, people blame Biden for inflation. Biden didn't do crap to cause inflation. Sometimes you just end up being in office when stuff happens, and you get blamed. Same thing happened to Carter. Heck, even presidents like Hoover, Van Buren, etc, who got blamed for economic messes on their watch, and they didn't cause them, they just happened while they happened to be president.
If anything, I respect Biden's COVID era initiatives and wish some of them were permanent. I would like to see monthly checks, as a UBI supporter. I would like to see what we did with COVID vaccines happen to all medicine. But...the conservative propaganda machine went into overdrive pushing this "NO ONE WANTS TO WORK ANY MORE" narrative, and the american people once again proved themselves to be a bunch of entitled karens. They did it in the 1980s with Reagan, and they did it again.
Like, I'm sorry, Im out of step with the American people here, but we got a rampant "consumption" problem as Americans. And I'm going to call it as I see it. Unpopular opinion, but people shouldnt be forced to work to give upper class people creature comforts. Shaming people to work is disgusting. And while I admit inflation was a concern, and this concern was rampant, it wasnt even caused by that anyway. It was caused by supply chain issues with the GLOBAL economy and corporate price gouging. But hey, let's just blame the workers. Typical conservatives, and typical Americans.
In traditional terms, the economy was strong. Now, keep in mind, I say traditional terms. I mean by this, low unemployment, and Biden DID manage to get inflation under control during his term. He worked with the fed, they managed to thread the needle of stopping it without causing a recession (imagine if we had 1982 on Biden's watch, he would've been crucified for it), if you actually have moderate or right wing economic views, Biden did everything these people say they want. He created jobs, he had full employment, he got inflation under control.
Now, for me, with my unique politics, this isn't good enough. Because I want something different. I kinda LIKE the idea of giving people checks and not forcing them to work so middle class people can get their nails done by someone making $8 an hour. And that's a hill I will metaphorically die on. And even then, I get the pain that people felt with inflation. It sucks to have stuff get 25% more expensive within like 3 years and not get a raise to compensate for that. Inflation sucks. Admittedly, in retrospect, maybe Biden should've actually doubled down on being progressive here. But to be fair, it was risky. If he did what i wouldve wanted him to do, it mightve played into conservative ERMAHGERD HES GIVING PEOPLE MONEY AND DRIVING INFLATION narratives. So idk. Did he do the best he could? I guess?
Like, I'm fully under the impression that the only way to win here is to not play at all. Some election cycles it's better not to win. And he happened to be in charge when some serious crap went down, and his response, while adequate from a traditional viewpoint, was inadequate from a progressive or populist one, and honestly, it just further amplified the perception that Biden wasn't competent.
2024 and cognitive decline
So, I've been fairly soft on Biden all things considered, but this is where I have to go hard on this guy. This guy should've never run again. He promised to be a one term president in 2020. He decided to run again out of pride and hubris. ANd because the democratic party it is, they enabled this. They never gave us a fair and open primary. The only candidates were Marianne Williamson, who was never taken seriously, and Dean Phillips, who got on the wrong side of the democratic party machine and lambasted by colleagues for not being a "team player" for daring to run against him. And the dems literally did things like shift the first primary to South Carolina specifically to make the entire process favor Biden.
And, it's scummy when the democrats do this on a normal year. This is why they're struggling. Since 2016, the democratic party has been out of sync with what the country wants, but they keep forcing it on us and making us choose as a lesser evil. This is why I refused to support them in 2016 and 2020. And honestly? Don't think I didn't notice them playing the same games in 2024. They did. I just kinda overlooked it since we had bigger fish to fry.
But yeah, what made this worse was THE DUDE WASN'T EVEN UP FOR THE JOB. His brain is turning to jello, he's apparently been on cognitive decline for years, he's basically a puppet for administrators in the executive branch and needs to go to bed at like 4:30 some days because he can't handle the job. And we just covered it up until the debate forced their hand. And while i dont think he bombed as badly in the debate as some say, he clearly wasn't able to do the job, and every "hey look i can still do this" speech proved can't.
Like really, this is a major scandal. Like a "turn the key" in lichtman's model type scandal. The president's brain is jello, it's been covered up for years, and he's had handlers just...handling him and hiding it. be fair, this is what the democrats brought down on themselves. We could've had bernie, we didn't because they put this guy in charge. He was the damage control for the elite class, a way to blunt the edge of progressivism and progress, and he was put there by the democratic party to retain their brand. And this isn't uncommon for them. The democrats are full of people way too old and often not up for the job. Dianne Feinstein was like full on alzheimers mode when she died and they covered that up for years too. Another congressperson recently was found in a nursing home. Nancy Pelosi just broke a hip. And AOC was passed over for some high level leadership position because of some 77 year old with throat cancer. Like...the democrats have a problem here. They're a bunch of old out of touch people well past retirement age and they just wont hand over power to the next generation. So they keep running for office as their brains turn to jello and they're at death's door, all to prevent people from taking over.
And yes, Bernie is up there too. He's also relatively healthy, competent, and just expressed that the term he was just elected to will be his last. He's also not running for president any more, which does depress me somewhat as I genuinely like him, but I get it. You dont want 80+ people in the white house. 80 should kinda be the hard limit IMO.
And even when the party turned on Biden, he STILL wouldn't hand over the keys. For him, it was pride. Him being told to step aside hurt his pride. He was confident he could do the job, that he could win, despite the evidence. heck he recently made the comment that if Harris ran, she would've won. Uh...yeah. Did I mention this guy's brain is jello?
Harris and 2024
So, this crisis of Biden being too old and his brain being jello really left democrats in a tough spot where they had to scramble and replace him quickly. And given how it was july when we were having this conversation, the only real answer that could unite the party was Kamala Harris.
And then Harris ended up running a milquetoast campaign that played it too safe and ran to the center, and she refused to distance herself from Biden, you know, the candidate everyone hated because of the inflation and how darned old he was, she lost. And now Donald Trump is going back to the white house, where he represents a clear and present danger to our democracy, and I don't take this lightly, but did I ever mention how he's like hitler lite? Yeah. Not exaggerating there either. I could literally see trump pulling some night of the long knives type crap. Project 2025 is basically that.
But yeah. That's the worst part of Biden's legacy. That at the end of all of that, he really just gave rise to a more dangerous form of Trump that would have likely been more muted had the dude just served a second term. Biden gave us Trump again. And even then, a more dangerous Trump. Again, if Trump just won a second term, he would've just governed normally. But then because he lost, January 6th happened, and then the guy radicalized during his 4 year out of office, and now his second term is looking far scarier than the first, or even the second he could've have just finished by now.
But again, Biden, the democrats HAD to win 2020, and they HAD to force milquetoast centrism on us, and then fail at accomplishing even that, and then have the guy go into cognitive decline from age, and now we're back to Trump. Sadly, that is part of Biden's legacy....ultimately giving us a second, more dangerous trump term than we would've gotten if we just let the dude do a second term in the first place.
With that said, what's my overall rating of his presidency?
With all of that said, I gotta give this guy a straight up C. He couldve gotten a B- for effort, but between the failure to accomplish most of his priorities, and inflation, and his mind turning to jello leading to 2024 being a complete and utter dumpster fire for us, I gotta bring him down.
Biden, I think, will be underrated in this time. I think he will be remembered more favorably by history, and renovated in a way similar to carter. Republicans HATED carter and blamed him for literally everything wrong with the 1970s...but at the end of the day, he wasn't bad, he just underperformed and dealt with a lot of problems that he couldnt solve due to limitations of the time. Americans often arent understanding when you fail, even if it isn't your fault. They want results, they want them now, and if they don't get them, they're gonna act like they're the worst person ever. What they're not gonna do is sit here for an hour writing about the pros and cons of the guy's presidency like I am now.
Still, honestly? The fact that his ultimate legacy was putting the democrats in an impossible to win situation that enabled trump and gave us a second trump term, with him more dangerous than he is before, yeah...that hurts him A LOT in my book. Again, I think I was fair here, he dealt with a lot of stuff, a lot of things didnt go his way, it wasn't really his fault, BUT...he leaves the country in a very precarious position, and yeah. I gotta say that he's a C on a letter grade scale.
As far as how this compares to other recent presidents I was old enough to remember and have an informed opinion of at the time:
Trump (1st term)- F
Obama- C+/B-
Bush- D+
Anything before that I'm mostly reading history books as I was an elementary school student during the clinton years, a toddler in the bush sr years, and was only alive for reagan's last year in office. So yeah, better than Bush and Trump. Maybe a little below Obama.