Monday, December 12, 2016

It doesn't matter who the leaks came from, what matters is that HRC was a bad candidate

So, the CIA apparently came out and said that yes, the Russians hacked the DNC, and also the RNC, and that they leaked the DNC's stuff to tip the election toward Trump. This will likely be used as ammo to persuade electors in the electoral college to not vote for Hillary on December 19th, and will also likely be used to deflect blame away from them democrats and their flawed candidate.

Imagine this scenario. Imagine if you've been suspecting for months that your spouse was cheating on you. They're showing suspicious behavior, acting distant, even hostile toward you, are very secretive, and are showing up around a person named "Hill" a lot. Now, imagine someone who you really don't like, who's name is "Vlad", who may have ulterior motives, checks their phone, finds evidence of cheating, and gives it to you. Yes, Vlad might be a jerk, yes, checking a person's phone without permission is a bad thing, but now that you have this information, does it really make a difference? Even if Vlad got the information through wrongful means and has ulterior motives in showing it to you, what matters is that if the information is true, the person you've been suspecting has been wronging you for a while is in fact wronging you.

And that's what happened here. What is happening here is the cheating spouse is trying to convince you not to break up because that's Vlad wants. But honestly, should a bad relationship stay together just for the sake of spiting Vlad, even if it's bad for us? I don't think so. We are perfectly capable of continuing to think Vlad is a scumbag while also thinking lower of those we are close to too.

What the democrats are doing is "poisoning the well", which is a logical fallacy. They're saying that because the information is of Russian origin, we shouldn't listen to it, and that the people were duped, and that the election may even be illegitimate (in the case of the persuading rogue electors angle). But honestly, it doesn't change the fact that yes, Hillary Clinton and the DNC are scumbags, yes, they did wrong us, yes, they were weak candidates. Yes, what the Russians did isn't okay either, and I don't respect them for it. But it doesn't change a darn thing with our relationship with the DNC.

I'm pretty confident that if this were Bernie Sanders we wouldn't have this issue. We wouldn't have any FBI investigations or malfeasance to torpedo him over like this. He would have been popular. He would have united the party. And while yes, there would be conservative smears against him, they likely wouldn't be any worse than the crap Obama went through in 2008. The problem with Clinton was that she was a uniquely weak candidate because she not only had the right going after her, but she pissed off the left. She tried to "triangulate", and only succeeded in opening up a two front war against her and that's what really torpedoed her. When the left starts thinking your candidate is crap too, you have problems. And Clinton was a flawed candidate who was not liked by people on both sides of the aisle, and who had a lot of baggage over the years. That's what killed her campaign. We can shift the blame around, but at the end of the day, the biggest problem with Hillary Clinton was Hillary Clinton. And the DNC corruption. Let's not forget about that.

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