Thursday, July 22, 2021

The nazbol vortex largely does not exist

 So, something I notice among certain elements of the left, such as the SJW types, is this concern for a so called "nazbol vortex", which is used by SJWs to attempt to police discussions even more and ensure people remain loyal to their little cult. But, what is it, and is it a concern?

The "nazbol vortex" is the theoretical idea that a bunch of lefties who are not social justice conscious can flip and basically become like Trumpers. Essentially, "nazbol" is short for "national bolshevik", which encapsulates the idea that people are going to become socially conservative, while being economically socialist. Again, it's that weird "strasserite smear" I discussed a while ago. But ultimately, is it a real concern? Uh, no really, and I'll explain why.

If you've been following left wing youtube drama, you'll know about Jimmy Dore, and his lashing out on the rest of the left. There's another youtuber named Vaush, who is extremely SJW on social issues, who believes the rest of the left wing community, like Kyle Kulinski, should distance themselves from Dore, formally. Vaush is an interesting fellow, and someone who I would have to say tends to hit all of the wrong notes for me. He's a socialist, he's an SJW, but then he wraps around to being one of the most obnoxious Biden bros in the left wing youtube community. He's bashed UBI several times before, because he's a socialist at heart, he is basically a bleeding heart SJW, but then he will switch gears into pragmatism and bash Bernie or busters.

Now, if you know my politics you can see how we would not mix. I'm like the "anti vaush" in terms of my politics. I'm anti SJW by this point, a full on progressive or buster, and I really think socialism is one of the most overrated economic systems ever. Quite frankly, while I criticize the "Jimmy Dore left" for purity, I criticize the "Vaush left" for just being wrong on virtually everything. And they're the ones who seem to push this narrative of a "nazbol vortex".

Now, admittedly, American history does have a history of something similar to this. The New deal coalition vague is similar to what he's talking about. These guys were socially right wing, but on economics, they flipped left. But because of the southern strategy and the rise of Reaganism, and then idpol forming on the left, the democrats became a bastion of social liberalism and economic moderation, while the right became a bastion of social and economic conservatism. 

And as we know, we are heading toward a new alignment. And I see it going one of two ways. We will either see a cultural realignment, where economic issues remain largely the same, and the right remains right and the left moderate, but with diverging views on social issues, with the SJW left becoming dominant on the left and Trumpism becoming dominant on the right, or we will see a shift in terms of economic issues, where the democrats become more left wing, perhaps social democratic or socialist lite, and the republicans become more moderate.

As far as the democratic party goes, you're either talking a mix of social moderation with economic progressivism, or social progressivism with economic moderation. So far the nightmare cultural realignment is happening, as the democrats shift more and more toward centrism while becoming more and more "woke", while the republicans become more and more nationalistic. 

But here's the thing, on economics, we're largely remaining the same. Trumpers are populist, but they're right wing, they're anti left. They're the ones screaming democrats are "socialists". There's no way, at this time, that the right will abandon economic conservatism any time soon. The democrats are moderate. They "triangulate". They seek to win over moderate conservatives and the left at the same time, which leads to a lot of divisions between the factions of the party and the current dissatisfaction. Still, does that means dissatisfied parties (like me, or Bernie or busters), are going to join the right? For the most part, no. 

While I have seen a disturbing trend among the Jimmy Dore left to become conspiratorial and repeat anti science talking points regarding stuff like COVID vaccines, on actual issues, most are a far cry from the right. Most lefties who are anti SJW are not really right on most issues. They don't hate minorities. They don't hate gay people. They're not pro choice. They have no interest in being on the right, ideologically. And given how purity testy they are, and how openly fascist the right is these days, there's no reason to believe that they would shift right and become conservatives on issues.

The problem with the right is they're too right. The problem with the democrats is they're not left enough, outside of social issues which are cynically used to bully progressives. Which is what we're really getting at. 

SJWs, especially those who collaborate with the democratic party and its message, are bullies. They are bullies. They are hostile to economic progressives a lot of the time, and work against them because social issues are more important. They discourage people from making a big deal and making a ruckus over the democrats' inaction on favored issues. And just as the 2015 dems seemed to see trouble on the horizon with people Bernie or busting in the first place, these guys seem to be preemptively trying to stop these guys from leaving, and joining the republicans.

Now, will they join republicans? Not given the current party. I mean they're objectively worse than the democrats, and the democrats' big problem is they try too much to pander to conservatives and those demographics. The only way that they could possibly join any sort of actual nazbol vortex, is if the democrats totally abandon the left economically, win over conservatives on economics, and leave progressives forced to form a coalition with what's left of the Trumpers. Which is a worst case scenario I really don't want either. But good news, there's a way to stop that from happening, STOP APPEALING TO LINCOLN PROJECT PEOPLE! Seriously, if this happens, it's because the democrats angled to bring over economic right wingers and abandoned the left. They will have caused this by their own hubris, trying to expand their big tent, without realizing the tent is already too big for an ideologically cohesive movement. 

I think ultimately, what the future of the political parties is going to look like, is in the hands of the democrats. And they can appeal to one of two groups. They could tone down the SJW nonsense and win over social moderates who just want a UBI, free healthcare, green new deal, etc. Or, they can keep going with their hyperbolic SJWism mixed with ignoring progressives. In which case they bring economically moderate people into the party, who are more socially liberal. 

Really, that's what it comes down to. Do we bring in Joe WorkingMan from Wisconsin, who wants unions, healthcare, but might not be totally cool with BLM, or do we bring in Jesse Aristocrat from Texas, who is totally woke and thinks #blacklivesmatter, but doesn't want their taxes to go up? It's up to the democrats. But that's what the divide is. Either way I don't see the parties completely abandoning their current positions in the sense that they'll flip. it's more a matter of what will they focus on in the future, and how they will shift. And the problem is, the democrats seem to despise the Joe Workingman types for not being woke, but seem totally okay with an aristocrat who is, but isn't willing to fight for economic changes that hurt their bottom line or "fundamentally change" the system as Biden would say.

So, we focus on cultural issues. While people like me, or Jimmy Dore, get dunked on for not caring more about black people or something. Never mind the fact neither one of us are actually racist or support policies that harm them. We just don't share all the twitter hashtags or obsess over it constantly, and we might not be totally okay with reparations or social programs with an explicit racial bias in them. Screw us for wanting to help everyone, right?

This might come off as a whistley, but brutally honest, as an ex conservative who became an economic progressive, but never really got into the woke stuff, I really don't think democrats want us in their party. Like, they tend to despise working class whites. I mean, really part of the reason I feel politically homeless is explicitly because of my complex political journey. I was not raised a democrat. I was raised a republican. I listened to Rush Limbaugh. I was a Bush fanboy during the 2004 era, I voted for McCain. I even initially supported the tea party until I realized they were insane. It wasn't until later in life I shifted and built up my own ideology, and I've talked a ton about that. And my ideology just never meshed with the democratic orthodoxy very well. I'm not the kind of person who democrats really cater to, and they just write people like me off as a lost cause. And the few people they do get in their party, they treat us with contempt. Remember the Bernie Bro smears. It's like they're actively trying to absorb us into the cult of liberal guilt, or they wanna push us back toward the GOP. But then they act like an abusive partner when they do push us away, calling us horrible for daring to have the courage to leave, and fearing of some weird nazbol vortex that isn't a thing due to fundamental ideological incompatibilities. Honestly, if they're that concerned about white progressives leaving and joining the republicans, maybe they should put more effort into trying to retain us, rather than screaming at us when we threaten to vote with our feet. We're only threatening to vote with our feet because we're clearly being ignored in the first place. Idk, they tend to lose a lot of whites to the Trumpers, but then when they leave, rather than trying to correct it, they whine about it. It's just weird.

Really, I aint going to join the GOP as they're antithetical to virtually everything I believe at this point, but honestly, it seems to me like democrats, and Vaushites, and SJWs, really dont understand how offputting they are to my demographic. The only way you guys will ever make a nazbol vortex is if you guys make one, buddy. Really, the existence of such a thing would mean the democrats failed so hard at appealing to white progressives that they ran them out of the party and the republicans were accomodating enough, due to losing their own fiscally conservative voters to the democrats, for that to actually be a viable strategy for them to try.

Again, if democrats want to retain their economically progressive voters, maybe they should, you know, retain their economically progressive voters by not pissing them off and alienating them. And honestly, SJWs, Vaushites, VBNMWers, etc, do a terrible job in helping their own cause. Because they're so smarmy and self righteous and insist on bullying and antagonizing people who just want crap like UBI and free healthcare. So give them UBI and free healthcare, or shut up already. I'm sick of hearing all of this whining. Work on your voter retention, if you want to retain voters. That's all I have to say. It's not that hard.

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