Saturday, April 15, 2023

Why people crap on leftists so much

 So, between me getting banned from anti work, and another topic I've been seeing discussed online in recently, I feel like this is something worth discussing somewhat.

Here's the problem with leftists. Leftists are more obsessed with moral purity and people agreeing with them in a superficial circlejerky type way, than they are in actually solving problems and making progress.

We saw this with my r/antiwork ban. I am literally as anti work as it gets, and this blog is a testament to this fact. but because I disagree with leftist ideology, and leftist dogma, and dont think that everything needs to be resolved by crapping on capitalism and calling for revolution, and I dared pushed back against this nonsense in defending UBI, I got banned.

Meanwhile, another debate I'm involved in lately online is the whole Ana Kasperian thing. She kinda got pissed off with the whole "birthing person" nonsense (term to replace "women" or "mothers" in certain settings) and got the entire leftist youtube internet up in a tizzy about it.

Btw, I agree with Kasperian there. While I'm for trans rights, i do think that this crusade to reinvent our entire language and terminology around gender relations goes a bit far, gets a bit obnoxious, and it can be alienating. Like the term birthing person. What happened to just calling them women? Calling them birthing persons reduces the concept of being a cis woman to being breeding cattle, which is alienating to a lot of childfree folks, and certain kinds of feminists in Ana's case. 

Of course, Ana basically got tons of INSANE pushback, and tons of toxicity for this, and now the left is criticizing her for doubling down, and eventually saying she's done with leftists. Now leftists are looking at excommunicating her from their clique because she happens to have a nuanced opinion on something. 

And leftists are taking it personally that she's attacking them, even though they fired the first shot.

And idk, I just felt like, leftists kinda bring crap on themselves. They get so pissed off when someone like Ana declares war on them basically, or even if I dare disagree with them, but they often seem to forget the steps that lead up to this.

On r/antiwork for example, I ended up going hard against leftists, because leftists decided to crap on basic income. They LOVE to attack UBI and its supporters. They LOVE to say it's never good enough, and that the people who are for it are evil bad actor capitalists who wanna undermine TRUE leftist goals and blah blah blah. And if you push back against them, you get attacked for daring to attack leftism.

And I'm going to be honest. if "leftism" is anti UBI, and leftism is more interested in sitting around complaining about problems, crapping on solutions, and doing their stupid little ideological circlejerking, then I'm going to say it, SCREW LEFTISM AND SCREW LEFTISTS. 

Seriously, there's a reason i denounce these guys so hard on here.

And it's the same thing as what's going on with Ana. She had a nuanced opinion on gender inclusive language and now the entire leftist community is dogpiling on her for it and she's like "screw leftists" too, and then the leftists take it personally.

Honestly, I'll put it this way, if you don't want to be attacked, dont come out of the gate freaking attacking anyone who dares disagree with you at all. Really, it's ridiculous. 

At the same time, if leftists wanna build bridges toward common goals, then we should work together. heck, that's actually something I've consistently been in support of since 2016. We kinda need to band together to actually get crap done, and while we might not always agree, we can probably find common goals to be toward. Both me, Ana Kasperian, and the terminally online left, are all interested in trans rights. We might have slight disagreements on that that looks like. I'm not a SJW, Ana has some more traditional feminist opinions, and the online left are the SJW psychos i always complain about, but despite this, we can likely agree like 80% of the time. We can all say, hey, trans people should have the right to live their lives and be left alone. So why do we freaking tear each other down over such minor doctrinal differences?

Same thing with the anti work crap. r/antiwork banning me for daring to criticize leftists who spent the entire topic at hand crapping on UBI as a concept is ridiculous. Let's face it leftists, how are you actually going to accomplish goals here? What are you going to actually do? I admit this might be a bit harder to find common ground on. Because I'm a reformist willing to use the current system in order to accomplish my goals, and they'd rather just sit there and push for a revolution that probably will never happen and if it does, wont accomplish the goals they want anyway. Perhaps there is a lack of common ground there. 

But you know what? That's a THEM problem. Because as far as im concerned, no, capitalism isnt so evil it cant be saved, yes, we can actually make things better for workers under capitalism, and here's a list of solutions that would get us there (you know what those solutions are, if you read this blog). 

But really. UBI, medicare for all (or public option), free college, student debt forgiveness, a housing plan, a mini green new deal, and trading GDP growth for fewer working hours are all things that we can do under capitalism to make the economy work better. If these guys were freaking smart, we could actually get crap done. But sadly, they would rather crap on anyone who actually wants to do anything. But maybe that's a them problem. 

But again, at the end of the day, if leftists look around and see everyone attacking them, to some extent they have no one but themselves to blame. They love to go around attacking anyone who doesnt agree with them, and then they act surprised when suddenly everyone hates them for it.If you dont want people to turn against you, try not pissing them off to the point that they feel a need to publicly denounce you for being insufferably purity testy on things.

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