So...someone asked this on a sub I'm on, given how reddit is overwhelmingly liberal/leftist, and as someone who used to be a conservative, and who hates the current left wing zeitgeist on reddit, I wanted to give me answer for why this is problematic.
Reddit has ALWAYS had a left bias. However, this hasn't always been a problem for me. Even as a conservative, I've been used to being outnumbered. My city is blue, despite my state being purple. I went through colleges as a conservative in a social sciences major of all things. I'm USED to being the minority. And while ultimately, reddit did play a HUGE part in shifting me left, the left that used to inhabit reddit was much different than it was today.
Like, back in the day, say, 10-15 years ago, reddit was left leaning, and I'd say the ratio was about 2:1. But it was mostly FAIR. Reddit was a platform dedicated to free speech, and there was a strong undercurrent that lasted there until the 2016 election. People mostly just gave their own opinions, and honestly? The reason reddit seemed left leaning seemed to be because it was full of intelligent millennial redditors who debated issues, and the left wing perspective was generally objectively correct. This is also why colleges lean left wing too. Reality actually does have somewhat of a liberal bias, and my belief was that as time went on, conservative beliefs would eventually die out and be replaced with a liberal zeitgeist. What seemed to drive this was the digital divide. Older generations got their news from traditional media, with all of the biases associated with that. Fox news was rotting boomers' brains, and as it turned out, MSNBC and CNN werent a ton better. So a lot of young people turned to the internet, and once again, given this culture of free speech and debate centering around actual objective facts, after a while it became difficult NOT to shift toward liberalism, because within the two party confines that existed, the left wing position was typically the objectively correct position to hold. Conservative views mostly seemed justified in appeals to tradition and authority, logical fallacies, and ignorance. And as long as that dynamic held, I honestly believed that left wing ascendancy was assured, and that if anything, the triumph of the left was a good thing. It would end an age of ignorance and lead to a new golden age of more rational discourse, where we could develop actual solutions to our problems and move society forward.
However, like is my theory of everything these days, the world went to crap in 2016. And this affected reddit too. Up through 2014 or so, reddit seemed to mostly be organic. Like, the stuff that rose did so because it was popular. But when 2016's election cycle ramped up, reddit took a darker turn. Democratic operatives from the democratic party and associated with clinton's campaign started functionally astroturfing the crap out of it. They literally promoted narratives that clinton was the best candidate or else, and that bernie couldn't win, and you HAD to support clinton or else the GOP would win. Because they couldn't win people over through reason and logic, they did so via brute force and fear. They promoted it as OMG THE GOP IS SO BAD AND YOU HAVE TO SUPPORT US OR ELSE THE GOP WILL WIN. And again...we also saw social justice ideology become part of it. I dont think the introduction to social justice ideology was mainstream. It was used by these democratic operatives as a cudgel. Why? Because that was clinton's one strong suit. She could play the identity politics game and appeal to her womanhood and her husband's legacy with the black community and then use social justice stuff to bully all of those "bernie bros" into line. And that's what they did. So, basically, reddit, which was originally filled with sanders supporters, became astroturfed and filled with OMG YOU HAVE TO VOTE FOR CLINTON OR YOU'RE THROWING MINORITIES UNDER THE BUS, BLAH BLAH BLAH. And social justice became the uniting force of the left, whereas prior to this, it was secularism.
Seriously. Early on in this site's history, r/atheism was a premier default sub. And given me questioning my faith at the time of joining reddit, it appearing in my feed every day when i went to look for memes...made me think. It made me question, and ultimately, it led to me losing my faith in Christianity. The left won me over not through bullying me, but through logic and reason, and that open minded "reason and evidence" "free thinking" mindset actually contributed to the basis of my post christian worldview. I stopped being a christian because i ran out of logical and evidence based reasons to be one. I was won over via debate.And I respected that tradition. Reddit's original founders were hardcore free speech advocates. They believed in the openness of the internet and as a bastion against censorship.
But...when social justice ideology took over, that went out the window. SJWs are a cult. They're literally a cult. They're a cult of caring. A cult of inclusivity, a cult of promoting their ideology. And they value the furthering of their own ideology above the ideals I outlined above. If you arent with them, you're against them. They believe in the paradox of intolerance, that we cannot tolerate intolerance, and that if your views happen to go against them, you should basically be censored. And this mentality makes all of the difference.
I mean, here's how the secular free thought, free speech version of reddit approached right wingers. "You're free to have your views, just keep them out of our lives." We didn't try to correct for the views of the right. If anything, we realized, being ex christians ourselves in many cases, that trying to censor christians will just rile up their overtuned persecution complexes. So we had a compromise. We won't try to censor and oppress you, but we have to fight your ideas being implemented in government. We played defensively, recognizing the right had a right to whatever views they held, no matter how disgusting they may be, but we had to defend against them implementing them. The idea was simple, if you wanna live YOUR life that way, that's fine, but don't impose that crap on anyone else. And largely it worked.
But 2016 was the year that broke the internet. And it was the year that the left became authoritarian. Again, astroturfing was part of it, the introduction of SJW ideology was part of it, but another part of it I didn't discuss yet is the policies on censorship. I honestly believe that the takeover of reddit by the democratic party left is more complete than it seems. Because around that time, not only did reddit become FLOODED with what seemed like artificial pro clinton content, but also, the mods on the big subs became complicit. And when normal users, like me, started calling out obvious shills and astroturfing, we would get banned from them. Subreddits changed overnight, and between this shock and awe fear mongering and brute forcing a narrative, mods seemed to start becoming complicit in removing content that went against their narratives.
After the 2016 election, when Trump won, the knives REALLY started coming out. That's when we really got into the hardcore rise of wokeness. Everyone was so fearful of OMG HES GONNA TAKE AWAY OUR RIGHTS and stuff that early in trump's first term, around 8 years ago now in early 2017, we started seeing this social justice left morph into something more toxic. Suddenly people were talking about beating up nazis and banning people for daring to express right wing views. Again, it was this paradox of tolerance crap. The idea that we can't tolerate the intolerant or it will lead to the downfall of society. IN a way, I kinda feared the SJW left more than the right at the time. The right, in office, can do damage, yes, but authoritarian is never the way to handle it on the internet. You just can't ban entire viewpoints, and as an ex conservative, I kinda realized that the lines that the social justice left were so extreme that they would functionally ban right wingers from the platform. If you disagreed with them on say, homosexuality, or trans issues, you would be considered a bigot and banned. And then apply that to racism, sexism, etc. Like these guys became a cult where anyone supporting anything remotely similar to "traditional values" was no longer welcome, because the mere idea that a person hold such values is against their rights.
The problem is that we live in a pluralistic country, and literally half the country doesnt see things their way. So basically, on reddit, expressing socially conservative viewpoints became a bannable offense. And over time, the amount of conservatives dropped to levels of being endangered species. The social justice left not only now controls most major subreddits and will ban people for petty reasons like daring to disagree with them (as we see over the elon thing), but they'll also organize to change site TOS to make such behavior bannable on the entire site. And then these people will literally go around and find right wing subreddits with people expressing right wing opinions they disapprove of, and mass reporting them to get them off of the site.
As a result, while conservatives always were minorities, now they're pretty much an endangered species on reddit, and every sub, even non political subs, often become insufferable circlejerks of social justice ideology where anyone who expresses right wing opinions gets banned from the subs in question, possibly the platform, and even if they express them in their own safe spaces, the subs set up bots to auto ban people who post in subreddits that they dont like until someone actually blocks said bots, which most dont know how to do (u/saferbot is one of said bots).
All of this is done in the name of "inclusivity." Because we can't tolerate the intolerant, as they're an existential threat to our way of life, and because any wrong think on social issues needs to be punished, people of non left wing persuasions end up functionally being unwelcome on reddit. Instead, they inhabit right wing spaces like meta, X, 4chan, etc, where they radicalize and fester. Lefties won't bother going into those spaces to debate. If anything, in the modern era, they'll literally leave those spaces voluntarily, and now we're seeing the reddit SJW power mods trying to ban even linking to such platforms. Again, because we need to create an "inclusive" safe space for people. No wrong think is allowed. We cant tolerate the intolerant, and after a while, everyone is intolerant but us!
Honestly, I think the real paradox of intolerance is that those who say they're tolerant, aren't. They care only about furthering their side, and banning and punishing anyone who thinks differently. In this case, they're literally made of the same cloth as trump himself.
Tolerance is about TOLERATING. It's not about liking someone's views, or agreeing with them, it's about agreeing to LET THEM EXIST. To TOLERATE them, despite the differences. It's actually a key part of free speech and the whole idea that I might not like what others say, but I defend their right to say it. Which is the stance i officially hold on say, the elon musk situation. Do you honestly think I like elon? HELL NO! But would I try to ban all content from his platform in the name of ending hate and bigotry? Also hell no. This isnt "the resistance" to trump that we need. We need organizing and actually pressuring people in congress to resist trump's tyrannical impulses. We don't need some stupid virtue signal combined with further erosion of our freedom of expression on reddit.
Honestly, this is why reddit being as left wing as it is is such a bad thing. It's because reddit these days allows for nothing else. For all of its talk of diversity, that diversity is limited to agreeing exclusively with the social justice hive mind that exists on there. I legitimately thought, and legitimately hoped that losing the 2024 election would "end wokeness" and on the few subs where genuine political discussion with conservatives exists, this idea comes up a lot. But the problem is, these guys are so dedicated to their cause, and so entrenched into the power structure of reddit, that they'll literally drag reddit down into the abyss before they give up power. They literally have an attitude that they cant be wrong, everyone else is wrong, and if you disagree with them, speak up so they can permaban you from their subreddits. That's literally how this "resistance" to trump's second term is going so far.
Honestly, trump is a threat to the country, and he is a threat to our freedoms. In a lot of ways, the social justice left is right about trump and his movements. BUT....they are ALSO a threat to our liberties and our freedoms to express ourselves, and creating echo chambers where any opinion but the approved ones are functionally banned from the platform. And that's why reddit being left leaning these days is a bad thing. If it were organic like it was in the old days, fine, but 2016 and trump broke peoples' brains so bad, that now we're just to the point of banning people who we dont agree with. And I agree, debating can be exhausting. I dont debate like I used to either. But that's when you start a blog, like I did. Or you just block individual annoying posters without banning them from an entire platform. Like, what you dont do is ban them from said platform. But again, that's the SJW way, we can't tolerate intolerance, so everyone but us must be banned. And then we wonder why we end up being out of touch when it turns out the majority of the country isnt on the same page as us any more. But hey, they must all just be nazis, right? Over 50% of the country, right? They voted for one, so they must all be complicit, right? I mean, we can't just be doing something wrong or unpopular or something, right?
Welcome to politics in 2025. Give me the time machine back to 2010 already.