Friday, July 23, 2021

My pitch to the anti vax left

 So, while most anti vaxxers are right wingers, I have been noticing that some of them are also on the left. I have some exposure to these folks, both from the 2016 campaign since Jill Stein was a crank magnet to these kinds of people, and from the wayofthebern type people now.

Most anti vax sentiment on the left seems to be wrapped up in a cloak of anti capitalism. Well, the corporations in the pharmaceutical industrial complex wants to make us sick, dont take the vaccines! 

Uh, this is nonsense, but let's go through it as I can almost be sympathetic to some extent. Look, no one is denying that medical companies cant be scumbags. Insulin is hundreds of dollars a vial after all. However, most corporations do sell products I dont think there is a secret cure of cancer or something, the rich would use it on themselves rather than dying from it. The thing is, while a lot of businesses are satisfied with "disease management" or whatever, uh, to some extent that's all you can do.

Also, a lot of these sentiments dont make sense here. As I said, the whole vaccine denial thing on the right, is an extension of the covid being a problem thing I mentioned in my last post, and that's about money. The government doesnt really want the economy shut down. Because it hurts GDP. it stops people from working. The government, both the republicans, and the neoliberal democrats, want people working, to grow that pie. But democrats are at least sane and a little less sociopathic about it and understand we need reasonable restrictions on it.

But ultimately, now there's a cure to the problem, and it's called vaccinating people. And the government under Biden is so intent, on making sure people get this cure, so we can all get back to work, that they are actually giving it to people free. Yes, Biden, is basically turning the vaccine dispersal into a form of single payer. Rather than leaving people to screw off and die like we often do with healthcare in America, because the disease is so contagious and such a public health threat, Biden is basically trialling single payer in order to disperse it. Meaning the government pays for it, and you just show up and take the shot, whether you have the insurance or not. The government has such a stake in getting you to take the shot, they're giving it away free, against their own principles.

Yeah, just think about that. You can question how money grubby the system is all you want. i think you guys are whack jobs when it comes to skepticism of modern medicine, but I understand how stuff is greedy. But that's why they're offering you the shot. Because they want things back to normal. And they're willing to trial single payer for this specific thing, in order to get there. So please, claim your free single payer, get the freaking shot. So that we all can not die from this disease, and we can conquer it.

Also notice how unlike other ideologues I'm not using this deadly disease to force my anti work views. Im not insisting we all stay shut down to force the government to give people money, or healthcare. I dont really, on an ideological level, like normal. Because normal is wage slavery. But, I care about people not dying. I'm not a sociopath. So yeah, get the freaking shot, so we can go back to normal. But I will say this, if you learned anything about the value of having a UBI and single payer here, please don't forget it. Because y'all should know by now that Ive been right all along on this. But, I'm not gonna play politics with peoples' lives, I actually have principles there. For me to tell you to get a shot to go back to work, when I'm explicitly anti work, yeah, it's because I want people to not die.

Please, America, get your ####ing shots.

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