Monday, November 8, 2021

Dems run even more to the center to avoid compromising with progressives

 Yep. That's my take on the situation. So as some of you probably know, democrats, fearing that progressives would tank the full build back better compromise bill, because it's a joke, decided to pass an even more pathetic bipartisan infrastructure bill, which is only infrastructure, and stripped out virtually everything else in it. The other stuff will be voted on later, but let's face it, at this point it will probably fail. 

Basically, this was a middle finger to the left, and saying "hmm, so you don't like moving to the center after being told to move to the center? Well we're going to move so far to the center we're going to pick up republican votes to pass this thing." And they did. 6 progressives voted against it, and 13 republicans voted for it. 

And people wonder why I'm officially "done" with democrats, and I keep ripping on Bernie and the like for trying. They don't care. They would rather screw the left, and give it all to the republicans, than give the progressives what they want. That's how they operate. And that's why I'm done. I'm not gonna even try to work with democrats from now on. Because I will assume that they will behave this way. They're worthless. They pushed compromise im the primary, they compromised more in the general, Biden's original proposals compromised more, then they compromised on that due to manchin and sinema, and when progressives say "enough with the compromise, or we tank the thing", they spit in our faces and compromise more. 

To be fair, this has been an implicit threat all along. Democrats love to say that if we don't support them that we're making ourselves irrelevant and that they'll just ignore us harder and move to the right. And that's what they're doing. I say screw them. Time to build new movements outside of the democratic party. Time to break the duopoly. Everything the Biden administration has done has been a disaster, and spitting in the face of the left, and while I am to the point I don't agree with much of "the left" either since many of those guys are descending rabbit holes of socialism and wokeness that I just can't follow on, I still give them props for trying and respect that they actually believe in something and wanna make the world a better place. 

I mean, basically, if you cave to them, they give you crumbs anyway, so I'm to the point I'm happy just to take my whips. Manchin once said he was comfortable with $0 as a threat to progressives, and you know what? So was I. I'd be happy with no one getting anything if we can't get anything decent. That said, props to the handful of progressives who stood their ground. I know that the media and the democrats will frame it as "see, you stupid progressives? If you don't go along with us you get nothing and you played yourself", but we were essentially getting "nothing" in the first place. Does it matter at this point if we get 3% of what we want vs 10% of what we want? I feel like at some point under 50% or so that number stops mattering. Crumbs vs slightly fewer crumbs.

Idk, if the democrats are so intent on screwing people who want to improve lives, then I'm happy with not even dealing with them. And again, keep in mind, I would've theoretically held my nose for the compromise bill for the child tax credit alone. 

Eventually dems are gonna run so far to the center that it will destabilize american politics and trigger a party realignment. Either the democrats will lose miserably as they did last Tuesday, as the republicans they try to get on board are disloyal voters themselves who *gasp* like republicans, while the left abandons them like rats leaving a sinking ship, or their strategy works, causing the republicans to be forced to move left on economics in order to maintain their dwindling conservative base. Ideally, I'd like to see the dems implode with this full stop, as I'd prefer the left wing party to be both socially and economically left wing, but push comes to shove the alternative can happen. Imagine if the dems move so far center economically it causes brain drain out of the republican party as all the fiscal conservatives leave. Then imagine the GOP flipping to be a socially conservative but economically progressive party. it could happen. It wouldn't be my ideal scenario, but it could happen. That said, my next article is going to discuss the ins and outs of this a bit more as I analyze comments by liberals discussing whether they would vote for socially conservative but fiscally progressive candidates.

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