Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Is it wrong that I feel schadenfreude when the democrats fail?

 I mean, I know this tends to rub a lot of lefties the wrong way, even the ones who otherwise hate the democrats, and maybe it's because I'm a bit bitter and vindictive at this point, but honestly, I feel a sense of satisfaction to some extent when I see the democrats fail.

It's not because I want them to. I actually wish they would succeed so badly in some ways. The republicans are terrible and we need a party to counter them. But, the democrats, in recent years, have shown that they're dinosaurs and they're terrible too. 

The democrats only won in 2020 because of Trump. That's it. No one actually liked them. All of those Biden votes democrats love to circlejerk about and about how popular they are were really just votes against republicans, same with their 2018 victories. But all along they've been like "you see, you stupid progressives, the voters want moderates, we won, we're rubbing it in your face, screw Bernie Sanders and Andrew Yang, people like Biden baby! *posts meme of Biden in sunglasses eating an ice cream cone*". But...in reality, I've never met anyone IRL who is a hardcore biden stan. Most of the people I know at this point lean left. But almost none of them LIKE biden. They just tolerate him. They want policies from the democrats that are closer to say, bernie sanders or andrew yang than joe biden. Either that or they're conservatives who are only voting for him because the GOP is an entirely new level of awful no one liked.

But, Biden held it together. And he won. And people felt in line. Because Trump bad. Policy was ignored. It was all about lesser evilism, and let's not forget, the identity politics. Being an ex conservative, idpol never really jived with me. And you can probably tell how much I tend to rip it on here. At first I tried to be conciliatory, like, "okay I get you, but this messaging is toxic and isnt recieved well and you're making more enemies.". Now I'm more brazenly like "SHUT UP ALREADY", but the idpol crowd never shuts up, and just gets even louder and more self righteous when you tell them to. And every primary, those gloaters would come back, "OMG THE BLACK VOTE THE BLACK VOTE, YOU SEE, YOU WHITE PROGRESSIVES, YOU JUST DONT GET BLACK PEOPLE". Actually I do, through the power of social science. A lot of them are fairly socially conservative, but economically progressive, but more than anything, they're just fiercely loyal to the democrats and will vote for whomever they push. So that leads to obnoxious anti nina turner type sentiment like "YOU REALLY THINK YOU CAN WIN IN THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY BY HATING ON BIDEN AND THE DEMOCRATS? LOL". Well, I'm sorry,  you guys like eating bowls of crap, but it's true. Biden is a bowl of crap. And while a lot of democratic loyalists will vote for a bowl of crap given what the GOP is offering, it doesn't make it less true.

Just, the whole internal dynamics of the democrats is just obnoxious and alienating. They dont offer any meaningful solutions that improve peoples' lives. What they did offer were watered down breadcrumbs that were more watered down due to "compromise", no one is happy. The economy is a mess post COVID (again, NOT biden's fault, but he's not doing a good job at fixing it either), they cant pass anything that helps people. And then they circlejerk about idpol constantly.

Then they get destroyed, and they're looking at monumental defeats in 2022. And I'm to the point i only associate with the party for the primaries. I'm really an independent at heart now. And it's like...gee who could've seen this coming? Its almost like basing your entire campaign on trump bad, not having any policies, and being an insufferable circlejerk alienates people. These guys rub idpol in our faces then wonder why they're down double digits with white males and the like. What do you offer them? I'm a white male who pushes for solutions and I'm just told to shut up and check my privilege. Why would white males vote for you guys? You dont do anything for them. And it isn't racism either. If anything most of us are just tired of hearing about it 24/7. We don't care. We're not anti black or anti woman or whatever, but your causes aren't our causes, and we just. Dont. Care. You guys wont do crap for us on our bread and butter issues, why would we vote for you? It's like you want us to vote for Trump. I mean that's how I feel. Like you explicitly abandon my demographic to the republicans. You don't even try with us, even though we're not a monolith and many of us would vote for the right left winger. 

It just pisses me off. Like, these guys have been insufferable for the past 6-7 years now. Let's face it, it's about 7, given we're in late 2021 and the earliest rifts I remember having were in late 2014-early 2015. They puff up their chests when they win, and would even use my vote if i supported them as evidence that people LIKE them, when in reality i feel like most of the american public just keep bouncing between 2 bad options. Republicans govern, and they lose popularity because they suck, so people vote for democrats. Democrats win, then suck at governing too, so then republicans win again. it's cyclical and evidence that the two parties aren't actually governing properly and the people want something different. But they just puff up their chests, act like they're popular when they are, then act baffled when they then lose support because they arent doing anything and they can no longer blame the other guys for everything. The fact is, the democrats cant stand on their own two feet. They only win when republicans are unpopular. 

And idk, I'm getting to the point where I just feel like these guys have everything else coming to them. After ignoring me, blowing me off, and their followers mocking me, antagonizing me, acting like they're hot crap when they're not, I kinda understand why so many conservatives tend to fall into the whole "own the libs" and "screw your feelings" mentalities. Because after dealing with how insufferable these guys are, it's entertaining as fudge to watch them get owned. it's fun to watch them get salty as their delusions collapse all around them and they start feeling panic and despair before some new narrative is crafted to give them a sense of emotional security again. And then it gets frustrating as they lean into it like they do and get self righteous again.

Look, if the democrats actually did right by the people, proposed policies that were popular, and passed them without being as useless as a cable guy from south park, I probably would like them. Even if they're not literally everything I want, I can at least respect a decent attempt to try. That's actually why I like Bernie Sanders. I don't actually agree with him on literally everything, and have sharp ideological differences from his 20th century new deal esque mentality at times (keep in mind, I'm like an anti work yang ganger in practice). But I do agree with him on some priorities, he actually puts his money where his mouth is and has workable policies, and he tries. I mean, he's a decent dude with decent policies. Which is more than I can say about the standard democratic circlejerk these days. Really, if you circlejerk being useless and constantly race bait, dont be surprised when people dont like you when you no longer have an enemy to scare us with. Because we dont like you. We never wanted you. We just wanted to get rid of the other guy. And now people are gonna try to get rid of you to get the other guy back in. Until he terrifies the country and things swing back to you.

The point is, your victories are primarily because we just hate the GOP more than you. Not because we like you. And watching you fail is sometimes entertaining because WE FREAKING TOLD YOU SO ALL ALONG. Really, that's the real reason I have schadenfreude. Because I've been freaking telling these people this for years, they never freaking listen. And now they're panicking as they have to lie in the bed they made. Everything that's happened is on you guys. I just hope the GOP isn't able to turn Biden into Carter where it destroys the prospects of ANY leftie in office for a generation because you guys screwed up so badly. If that's the case, well, thanks a freaking lot. You ruined everything. And that just makes me hate you guys more.

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