Tuesday, May 3, 2022

My message to the democrats regarding Roe v Wade

 So, it's come to my attention that the first thought that half the left seems to have in response to the right overturning Roe v Wade is to wag their finger in the left's face and tell them "elections have consequences" and blame us for not voting for democrats.

And like always, I'm going to say "not my problem." Yes, I voted third party in 2016. But I did so to protest a democratic party that decided to ignore the needs of working class voters to appeal to rich suburbanites. Chuck Schumer said, about the democratic strategy in 2016:

“For every blue-collar Democrat we lose in western Pennsylvania, we will pick up two moderate Republicans in the suburbs in Philadelphia, and you can repeat that in Ohio and Illinois and Wisconsin.”
And then they lost. Yes, elections have consequences. But who is responsible for the result of elections? The party/candidates, or the voters? In my mind, it's the party/candidates. It's up to the candidates to appeal to voters. The voters are consumers, the party are producers. And it has to be this way in a free society. Expecting voters to show up for the party is inherently authoritarian and undermines democracy. The democratic party is effectively anti democratic and wants to hold the country hostage to extract votes from people. Roe v. Wade was a hostage, and now they're executing them. Is this my problem? If you care about democracy, no. 

The democrats are responsible for their own defeats. Since the 1970s, they've pursued upper class suburbanites over the working class, driving both parties to the right economically to the point the working class doesn't even have representation. And when the left wanted things, like $15 minimum wage, universal healthcare, and free college, the democrats said nope, screw you, you get what you get or else. And then they lost. This is on them. 

Elections do have consequences. I lament the repeal of Roe V. Wade. But ultimately, they shouldnt have hold abortion rights hostage to extract votes from their unhappy voters. The democrats could've, you know, supported policies that benefitted us, that we wanted and asked for, but instead, they chose not to. This is on them. Instead of pursuing working class voters like Obama at least tried to do, they decided to appeal to the professional class. Trade votes of people like me for rich people in Philly. Then they blame me for not voting for them. Sorry, but elections have consequences and you miscalculated.

I'm not giving an inch. I am of the genuine belief both parties are trash, and we need a party realignment. This professional class strategy cost the democrats 2000, 2004, 2016, and almost 2020. The only time they actually won was when obama at least pretended to be progressive and there was a recession going on in which the GOP was trying to screw people over. And honestly, after reading both Thomas Frank books, it's quite clear the current coalitions of the two parties are the root cause of all of our problems. We got ignorant working class right wingers being attracted to the right over culture war nonsense, and we got the snarky professional class left and SJWs just stopping anything from getting done over there.

If we want to get Roe v Wade back, we need to deescalate the culture war and stop feeding right wing stereotypes, and we need to actually be a party that does stuff for the working class again. Obama's strategy was onto something. It just needed to be expanded. Do more for working class Americans like universal healthcare, free college, $15 minimum wage, UBI, what have you. I have ideas myself, and I might clash with others, but at least with most of the rest of the left my disagreements are more gentlemen's disagreements than actual hard moral opposition. I might dunk on bernie bros who crap on UBI or push for jobs programs and stuff, but at the end of the day I know those guys would do a lot more good than the neolibs and conservatives would. I'm willing to side with them until we realign the parties and then we can handle our spats over individual policy preferences. 

Ultimately, we need to either take over the democratic party, or split the coalitions in such a way it causes a realignment. The democratic party as it is is just gonna keep losing. Even if they win, they lose, because they don't do anything for anyone. So we just have the right go further right and the left follow them to the new "center". This is ridiculous. Something needs to change.

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