Friday, November 4, 2022

Why men should care about abortion rights

 So, I've expressed this concern before, but I think SJWs really tend to make a tactical error in how they frame abortion rights. They frame is primarily as a "womens' issue" and scream about men and how we shouldn't have an opinion on it (even if it affirms it). This is an obnoxious approach to the issue, and there's more to it. While yes, women are the ones who get pregnant and get abortions, abortion isn't just a women's issue. It's an issue of wider reproductive rights.

I am of the opinion that people should not be forced to be parents ever. Sex is not consent to pregnancy, this is conservative thinking that is often based in an explicitly religious worldview, and those traditionalist attitudes have no place in the 21st century. I see no issue with aborting fetuses before viability/consciousness morally, and if something is not an issue where it harms someone else (harm done to beings capable of experiencing things, which fetuses before the third trimester cannot, just to be clear), then it should be legal. 

And honestly? Should a woman be forced to carry a fetus against their will? No, it's a horrid violation of bodily autonomy that threatens their health and well being. And if you have any women in your life, like a partner, or sister, etc., think about whether they should be forced to carry a fetus to term. If you think the answer is no, and they should have freedom, then you should vote accordingly.

But it goes beyond that, I'm here to talk about men. Okay, so...guys. Do you want to be forced to be parents? What happens if a condom breaks, you have an oops, don't pull out in time, whatever. Do you want to be a daddy? I sure as fudge don't. I'm childfree. I don't want kids. Not now, not ever. The idea of having a kid will make me hate my life. I mean, I could sing the song praise abort in reference to how much the idea of having kids is unattractive to me. 

But, you guys do realize that abortion is like the last line of defense against kids right? When birth control fails, and plan B fails, and your girl gets pregnant any way, what's the next step? Well if you don't want to have kids, abortion. I'm assuming of course, you chose a partner with similar values as you and isn't planning on screwing you over with an "oops baby" to get child support off of you. But assuming you actually did the right thing, chose a partner with a similar worldview, and an accident happened, yeah, you guys would need an abortion right?

I mean, that's why we guys should care about this sort of thing. Sure, you will never get an abortion yourself, but your partner...might. And that's what you have to think about. So think long and hard this coming week about whether we should have abortion rights. Because if we don't, one of you might need to get a little snip snip if you know what I mean. And even those aren't 100%. Sleep well guys. Get out there and vote.

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