Friday, November 4, 2022


 So, I wrote an article about this in 2016, in which I was a bit more cordial with the SJW types on this one, trying to sympathize with their concerns, and trying to handle this as a leftie talking to another leftie. But here I am now, 6 years later, all out of craps to give, and beyond reaching my limit with this stuff.

Ya know, back then, I used to have this friend. He was going full steam toward the alt right over this stuff. He's gotten way worse since then, to the point I won't associate with him, but there was one thing that he said to me that stuck out. He said, being alt right is about telling the SJWs "no." And that whatever fence sitting I was doing wasn't gonna work. That ideology is toxic and poisons everything, and I either will be corrupted by it or I will eventually get fed up with them and come out against it. I don't agree with him at all on this topic these days since he literally DID go full on alt right with full blown racist rhetoric and everything, but on this one point, yeah, he's right. I've tried to use the kid gloves, I've tried to reason with these people, but it's to the point I realize this hasn't gotten me anywhere, so you know what? I'm done. I've had it with these people. As I said once before, you can't force people to care, and I don't care.

I bring this topic up again because as we enter the final stretch of the 2022 midterms, and the results look increasingly bad for the democrats, I'm seeing more and more voter shaming. Now, I'm going to say it. I did vote this election cycle, and I actually did support the democrats. As I said before, I do not believe this is an election to protest vote. With abortion rights on the ballot, and even worse, the legacy of the left, potentially for the next 40 years, it's not the time to screw around. My previous third party efforts were intended to shift the overton window left. But, if we don't turn out this time, I just see it shifting hard to the right. The democrats will lose any reason to listen to lefties at all, as they're trying to do some good things and not getting rewarded for it, and they'll push to the neoliberal right to try to win over moderates. Not to mention, John Freaking Fetterman is the senate candidate here. Yes, he had a stroke. But he's a literal Bernie style progressive and if there was ever a reason to vote democrat, it's to vote for this democrat. Again, if these guys don't win, we're not getting better candidates in the future. We're getting more neolibs. So don't screw around. Get out there and vote. Especially if you're in PA.

But, whenever this topic comes up online, I get the same shrill voter shaming I always see. And it never ends well. One common theme that always comes up is "well if you don't vote democrat, you don't care about women and POC and gay and trans people". And you know what? At this point, I'm just gonna say it. DAMN STRAIGHT. I DONT care. I'm a straight cis white male, and none of this identity politics crap does anything for me. I don't care. There are more important issues that motivate me. I don't care if this makes me some sort of regressive monster in your eyes. I. DON'T CARE. LOOK INTO MY EYES. I AM THE CAPTAIN NOW. Sorry, just had to throw that reference in there, but you get the idea. I'm asserting dominance and not dealing with this crap. The second you revert to this argument, you lost the argument and anyone who isn't in your own little clique is just gonna tell you to screw off. And rightly so. 

This issue is not popular. Large majorities of the country oppose political correctness, which falls under the overall umbrella of SJW ideology. I know the left has decided to go all in with this SJW ideology as like a unifying religion on the left, that is often used to push people around and bully them, but for me, it just doesn't work. So from now on, I'm just gonna own it. No, I don't care. Because this is an emotional manipulation technique that tries to get me to do something I don't want to do. It relies on literally trying to shame and guilt trip people into voting for a party they don't want to vote for. No, you have to earn my vote. And as I've demonstrated above, yes, my vote can be earned and I can vote democrat when I have an interest in doing so, but you have to demonstrate that interest to me. 

Seriously, I honestly think that the privilege crap is one of the reasons we're losing. It's why we got wiped out in 2021 in local elections, and it's happening now. Behind inflation, crime and immigration are major issues in the voters' eyes, and all this wokeness plays against the voters' concerns here. This is one issue that the left DOES need to moderate on. I think that voters would go for a sane center left social policy based in libertarian principles (just look at how it's working with abortion, the one thing democrats have going for them), but the woke crap NEEDS TO STOP. It's alienating to tons of people and it's literally galvanizing the right against us. For all the top of "stopping fascism", I think one of the best ways to make that happen is to stop giving the right the fuel that motivates them to vote the way they do. Most of them just react against the left to "own" them. I don't think a lot of swing voters care much either way. They just hate the shrill obnoxious tone of the left and it makes people want to literally vote the other way to stop them. Sure, there's that 35% of the population that's just too reactionary to reach either way, but I think most people are pretty sane and fed up with the extremism on both sides on these issues.

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