Sunday, September 22, 2024

On purpose

 I always found the idea of a purpose as weird and nonsensical from a humanistic perspective. Such an idea goes back to christianity and the idea that god has a plan for all of us. But in a world neutral as far as god goes, and that doesnt actively believe in one, does this make sense? No. THe idea relies on being created for a specific reason. Given secular humanism doesnt formally acknowledge the existence of a god, much less one that gives us purpose, then the idea of an objective purpose is nonsensical. Purposes are something that exist as a matter of subjectivity. There is no purpose but that which we make for ourselves. If people want to believe whatever they want about purpose in their private lives, have at it, tbqh as a spiritual person myself I believe Im here to spread my ideas and ideology. But dont force ideas on others under an air of objectivity they dont deserve. I basically would hold almost the same ideas I have now even if I was an atheist, and I know this because I was an atheist when I developed them. Objectively, no such purposes exist, and honestly, we don't exist to do things or to work or carry out specific tasks, we should do what we want to do, and be free to do what we want to do, without authoritarian do gooders telling us what we should do. 

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