Thursday, June 30, 2022

Dear religious nutjobs, keep your religion out of our government!

 So, I may not be an atheist any more, but there are times when I feel like I have to go "full atheist" in reference to my atheist days of 2012-2014 or so in dealing with religious nonsense. The other day I had a fairly civil article explaining to pro lifers why they are hated by half the country. This is going to be the not so nice version of that. 

Look, you are free to believe whatever you want. I don't care. I support the first amendment, and I support your right to believe in whatever you want. Even if it is wrong. Even if it is arguably harmful for society. Even if I think you're stupid or hateful for it.

HOWEVER, if you start pushing that crap on the rest of us, we're gonna have a problem. And as such, I need to go after these guys again. I hate having to do this. I want to discuss UBI, and healthcare, and stuff like that. But instead, because the regressive right is taking away our abortion rights, and is targetting other stuff, I'm having to backtrack and defend the left on issues we had already won.

I'm not some woke moron either. I question SJWs myself all the time and my record on this blog attests to that.

But, religious right, where the hell do you get off on telling us what to do on the basis of your religion? KEEP YOUR FREAKING FANTASIES OUT OF MY GOVERNMENT.

There's no good reason to be against gay marriage. Gay people want to screw each other in the butt? LET THEM. It doesn't hurt you. It doesn't affect anyone but the people involved. Who the hell are you guys to tell people that they can't do that, or that they can't be married because of YOUR religion? Screw your religion. Screw it. I'm seriously. I don't give a flying frick about your religion. But if you're gonna use it to tell me I can't do something? That's a problem.

Same thing with abortion. I admit this issue is a bit more sensitive because we are killing a fetus. But you know what? You STILL don't get off telling us what to do on the basis of your religion. If you don't want abortions, don't get them. But don't tell me I can't because YOU think it's wrong. 

Trans issues. Basically, just apply the same logic as homosexuality. Idk what's with these right wing edgelords obsessed with this trans people. HURR DURR YOURE REALLY A MAN!


Yes, I also get annoyed by wokies pushing the issue too. But, you guys are just as insufferable. And you're not even right. At least the SJWs are right, no matter how misguided their approach. I don't care if people identify as literal attack helicopters. WHO CARES?! Let them do what they want as long as they're not forcing it on you. And before you say they are, eh, maybe SJWs are a bit overzealous, but no one is telling you to be trans. At most they want you to respect their pronouns, which, you should at least try to make a good faith attempt on. I admit, the SJWs do go a bit overboard. I've had trans friends go nuclear on me for misgendering them ONCE, when it just didn't sink in. Ya know, maybe taking a more soft route and explaining it one more time and correcting would've been better, and the militant crap pisses people off, but why some people die on the hill of misgendering trans people INTENTIONALLY because of their own views is beyond me. It's a jerk move. What can I say? Don't do it. Try to at least respect the other person. If you make an honest mistake you make an honest mistake. But you know, TRY.

One issue I will concede a bit on is the people who think you're transphobic for not sleeping with trans people...yeah, they're weird. I bring this up because I literally got crap from SJWs on it before, and my stance is, again, you wanna do what you want, that's fine, just don't bring me into it. Telling me im morally required to bang trans people or not have a prejudice against them as sexual partners is kinda bringing me into it. So yeah I will concede that to the right. The fact is, my right to choose my sexual partners outweighs a trans person's right to sex. But OTHER THAN THAT, all the people getting all butthurt because people just merely decide to be trans, it's like, who cares? LET THEM. It's their life. Not yours. 

Oh, and before people go on about turning kids trans, uh....gender dysphoria is a real thing, people spend years getting therapy before gender reassignment is on the table, and the minors getting it are DEFINITELY AND TOTALLY TRANS. Like seriously, if you're diagnosed at the age of 9, you're likely not gonna transition until you're like 16. No, this isn't just a kid having a phase thinking they're a cat. This is a real life documented phenomenon. And gender reassignment is granted to people who have had lifelong struggles with their gender identity. 

It's annoying man, it's annoying. 

All I really want is a society where people can do what they want as long as they're not harming others. If people wanna get abortions, be gay, be trans, etc. LET THEM. And the same with you guys. If you're being religious and not harming anyone with it. I WILL LET YOU. I DONT WANT TO TAKE AWAY YOUR FREE EXERCISE RIGHTS. But, YOU DONT GET TO TELL OTHERS TO LIVE ACCORDING TO YOUR RELIGION.

All laws and restrictions should have primarily secular purposes. Spirituality can influence your views, but you don't get to tell people what to do based on that spirituality. If you can't justify it secularly, on the basis of some sort of grave individual or societal harm, or restriction of certain rights, freedoms, and abilities, then you don't have a right to push it on the rest of society. PERIOD. 

Really, I despise authoritarianism. Laws exist for common secular purposes. Your own private morality is not sufficient to impose laws on other people. Laws exist to respond to real problems with real human behavior, that can only be properly solved by those laws. Religious based morality isn't based on those assumptions. It's often based on divine command theory or other illiberal epistemologies. They have no place in our government.

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