Thursday, June 30, 2022

The January 6th hearings are worth watching or at least reading about

 So, I see mixed views on the January 6th hearings. I feel like parts of the country are watching them horrified at how evil Trump is, but then others are like, meh, it's just political theater.

Okay, look MFers, this crap is worth watching. Or at least reading a summary about in a newspaper. There have been 6 hearings so far, and I watched all 6, but summarizing 12 hours of content like this is too hard unless I went into them planning to write on them like I did for the dem committee hearings. But I will discuss a couple bombshells from the recent one. Like Trump apparently letting people with weapons into his rally telling people to march on the capitol. I know, and this is one of my takes that didn't age too well, that when January 6th happened, that I did not believe he overtly incited anything, but a lot of these hearings discuss stuff like that. He knew these people were armed and wanted to unleash them on the capitol. He actually wanted to lead them to the capitol and was stopped by secret service for obvious security reasons. This led to a physical altercation between him and the secret service agents. And he also apparently was throwing dishes and his food around at the wall when he didn't get his way back at the white house. 

That's just the tip of the iceberg, but as the January 6th committee has been saying, his actions on January 6th were "a coup in search of a legal theory". Remember me wondering where the heck the national guard was? Blame trump for that. He refused to send them in. I blamed racism at the time, but no, the president wanted this to happen and refused to intervene to stop it. When people were chanting "hang Mike Pence" he was saying "maybe he should be hung" or something like that. 

All of this was covered in these hearings. These guys planned this. He and his administration. They wanted this to happen. They were literally inciting a mob to attack the capitol and knew this would happen. So no, this guy should be arrested. He should be charged for sedition. He should probably go to jail and/or be barred from ever running for office again. WILL he face charges? I doubt it. There is a lot of reluctance to try a former president for crimes to begin with, and republicans would actively fight it probably, and I seriously think even a lot of dems, including Biden's AG Merrick Garland, would have the balls. 

So he might get away from all of this. But, I encourage every American to watch the hearings, or at least read summaries about them, and get informed.

At the very least, Trump should never be allowed to get into power again. He only failed because some patriotic Americans decided to not back this coup. We might not be so lucky this time. A future Trump administration would purge everyone not loyal and they will try to do this again. I might even be forced to make a a truce with the dems just to stop this guy if he's the 2024 candidate. This isn't your typical republican. This guy is  wannabe dictator who almost succeeded at overturning the election results. He dangerous. If he wins again our democracy might be in trouble. 

This last part I'm going to aim at republicans. Long before this blog was a thing, I used to be a republican. And I cannot fathom supporting Donald Trump in his current state, even if I still was as conservative as I was at my peak. I would literally be backing Biden right now. Because Biden is a moderate dem who isn't much of a threat to the right. Conservative me, would've held my nose for Hillary and Biden.  When I was a conservative, I cared about the constitution. I cared about the government having limited power. I cared about checks and balances. This guy doesn't. Donald Trump is the kind of guy our constitution was made to stop. And he was only stopped, because the checks on him were as good as they were. Our founders knew someone like Trump would try this crap some day, and we were able to survive him. But if he is allowed to win again, we might not be so lucky. 

Other republicans, whatever. I hate the likes of Ron DeSantis, and Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Ted Cruz, and Mike Pence, but I'm sure at least some of those people wouldn't outright try to steal an election (well, maybe MTG...). They might do shady and questionable stuff, and I despise them as politicians, i might even insult them and call them crazy or idiotic. But they're not Trump. Trump is an existential threat to American democracy, and should never be allowed to hold power again. he should be stripped of his ability to run again by the legal system, and failing that, he should not be allowed near power again by the voters.

This even offers a unique moral dilemma for me, given my anti democratic party third party stance. I hate the idea of being forced to vote for democrats to avoid republicans, as that just enables weak and feckless democrats to hold the system hostage. But if Trump runs again, he offers an existential threat to the system that is severe enough to cause me to consider suspending this rule for myself. I might end up voting democrat just to keep Trump out if he runs again. I'm not sure what I'll do yet, we need to wait for 2024 to play out. And I do consider myself more loyal to the forward party and even the progressive cause than the democrats. 

But, if Trump gets his way, there are no more elections and that is a far worse outcome that we can't recover from. It sucks that it came to this, and I can't help but think (or know, after rereading my old posts) that if Bernie was the nominee in 2016, none of this would have happened. Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan all went to Trump by less than a point. And Bernie was a significantly stronger candidate than Hillary in the polls that were conducted. All we needed was ONE POINT, and Bernie was generally 1-4 ahead of Hillary at any given time. It infuriates me.  The fact that someone as dangerous as Trump was allowed to take power in the first place is squarely the democrats' fault, for cultivating a brand of politics so distasteful to the American public that Trump actually seemed like a good idea at the time. Forget third party voters for a second. The fact that people liked trump so much should tell you that the dems are doing something wrong.

So to the democrats, DO. FREAKING. BETTER. We are looking more and more like Weimar Germany because the democrats cant get their heads out of their butts and actually run a platform people like. This lesser evil crap isn't working. And Joe Biden is looking like Jimmy Carter 2.0 to me. And what happened next? REAGAN. 

We know the solution. We did it in the 1930s. We need another FDR. Someone like Bernie Sanders, or Andrew Yang, or Nina Turner. Stop running worthless centrists. The whole reason we are in this mess was because the dems didn't run Bernie in 2016. It doesnt have to be Bernie. If anything he's too old and his views are a little too close to FDR's literal views, which are almost a century old now. We need the 21st century version of that. Embrace social democracy and human centered capitalism. Support proposals like universal healthcare and basic income. Make the economy actually work for people, and realign the parties so that this can't happen again, and Trumpism is safely out of the overton window.

Trump can't be allowed to win again. But the strongest antidote to Trump in the long term isn't just supporting a weak opposition party that can't stay on the good side of the people to save their lives. That's what we tried in 2016 and 2020 and now in 2024 Trump actually could win again. We need a political movement that both rejects the status quo and offers a strong refutation of Trumpism. We need to address the material conditions that allow Trump's brand of politics to be popular in the first place. Yes, we need to vote to keep Trumps out. But we actually need an opposition party worthy of the public's support. Only that can help save us from having to deal with another Trump again. 

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