Monday, September 5, 2022

The "sniff test" (2024 metric)

 So, another metric I've had for a while, which isn't particularly good, but it's really short, and it really does give you an idea about how I feel about candidates, is the "sniff test". On this test, I'll measure the candidates on a scale of 0-100 based on how I FEEL about them. It will be a highly subjective test that can change over time, but is a potentially accurate summation of how I feel about them, and likely correlates with other tests assuming I did my research on various candidates.

Generally speaking, this is how the scale will work.


Default score is 50. This means I don't have strong feelings either way, or the overall opinion on them is mixed in a 50% good and 50% bad way.

40/60- Slightly negative/positive. 

This means that I have slightly positive or negative feelings one way or another. No strong opinions either way. 

30/70- Moderately negative/positive.

This indicates opinions are moderately negative or positive. I definitely have an opinion one way or another, but it's still not particularly strong.

20/80- Strongly negative/positive

Opinions are strongly positive or negative and I either really like the guy or don't like them. Most politicians will score between the 20-80 range somewhere given how nuanced my opinions are.

10/90- Extremely negative/positive

Even more positive/negative with little to no nuance. 

0/100- Epitome of evil/good

Basically I have very strong opinions and the idea that this guy is the metric of good/evil. It should be very rare for me to rate anyone this high/low. 

I will be applying this standard in two ways. The first being my initial impression when I hear the name, and the second my view after I think about the person/thing and my opinions toward it in a slightly more nuanced way. Below I will primarily be using it in the first way. Without further ado, let's get going.

Political parties

Republicans- 15

Democrats- 40

Libertarians- 25


Forward (pre merger)- 80

Forward (post merger)- 35


Donald Trump - 15

Ted Cruz- 20

Ron Desantis- 15

Marco Rubio- 20

Mitt Romney- 25

George W. Bush- 20

Ronald Reagan- 18

Ron Paul- 18

Rand Paul- 20


Joe Biden- 50

Barack Obama- 45

Hillary Clinton- 40

Kamala Harris- 60

Pete Buttigieg- 35

Elizabeth Warren- 65

Bernie Sanders- 78

Andrew Yang(2020)- 78

Bill Clinton- 30

Jimmy Carter- 55

Marianne Willamson- 65

Tulsi Gabbard- 35

Third party candidates

Jo Jorgenson- 25

Jill Stein- 60

Howie Hawkins- 75

Andrew Yang (pre forward merger)- 85

Andrew Yang (post forward merger)- 60

Political ideologies

Conservatism- 20


Right libertarianism- 25

Anarcho capitalism- 10

Monarchism- 5

Fascism- 0

Conservative Christianity- 10

Liberalism- 55

New Deal Liberalism- 75

New democrats/third way- 40

Centrism- 35

Democratic socialism- 73

Social democracy- 78

Human Centered Capitalism- 85

Market socialism- 65

Postmodernism- 35

Marxism-Leninism- 15

Secular Humanism- 70

Socialism- 40

Indepentarianism- 90

Real Libertarianism- 90

Social libertarianism- 85

Georgism- 30

Anarchism- 15

Communism- 18

Libertarian socialism- 68

Nazbol- 15

Left libertarianism- 75

Neoliberalism (dem party version)- 38

Neoliberalism (right wing version)- 10


 Eh, it did okay, but it is a bit subjective. To correct some of the scores, Donald Trump should be lower, like 5-10. Other conservatives are about dead on.

Liberals are accurate. Note how Bernie and Yang were about the same score. It's because they really did go back and forth. I like Yang better in theory, but he ended up flopping due to being inconsistent on policy while Bernie's consistency got him more points.

But yeah liberals generally occupy the middle, from around 30 on the low end (centrists) to 80 on the high end (progressives with policies I like). They tend to average around 50, maybe a bit lower given how most dems trend toward centrism.

Third party is pretty accurate. Stein maybe a little high, 50 might be more accurate with her. Hawkins being about 70 sounds right. Yang ranges from based to meh depending on what he's doing. 

Right wing ideologies are about accurate. Note MAGA being 5. Trump should've really been a 5 but I went with the first number that popped in my head.

Liberals are all over the place like always. Democratic socialism is high based on what it is, but given I was thinking of Sanders and more social democratic policies when I came up with the number it makes sense. I see Bernie and his ideology as more socdem though.

Secular Humanism probably deserves more than a 70. But again, first number in my head.

I probably lowballed ideologies I literally identify with like social libertartianism, real libertarianism, and indepentarianism, but again, nuanced views and unwilling to go to the extremes like 0 or 100 generally. 

Neoliberalism probably deserves like a 15-20, 10 puts it lower than marxism leninism and in league with ideologies I despise. And while I despise neoliberalism too, it's a softer form of hate than I have for actual reactionary ideologies.

Anyway, this metric is good for what it does. It's a sniff test. It's not necessarily the most accurate test, and it's based mostly on feelings, particularly first impressions. Still might be good to use, as it does generally correlate with how I feel toward people/groups to some extent. I might find contradictions when I start comparing scores but otherwise it's at least semi accurate.

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