Thursday, December 22, 2022

Discussing JK Rowling, feminism, and SJWs

 I swear, no one seems to live rent free in SJW's heads like JK Rowling does. Apparently she's coming out with a new Harry Potter movie and the cancel culture people are screaming about it and giving us our 100th reminder that she's a transphobe. Now, I'm not a Harry Potter fan. I never cared about the series, and feel like I'm JUST too old for it. Like, it was new when I was in middle school, a couple classmates liked it, I never got into it, and it's mostly people my age or younger into it with my age being on the cutoff of liking it or not.

Anyway, she came out as a "trans exclusionary radical feminist" or "TERF", and any time she rears her head on anything the rest of the social justice community has to screech about this, as if it's the worst thing in the world. 

As I see it, this is one of those stupid leftist infighting things. Feminism in its modern forms, is, in itself, toxic. All identity politics is really. Not saying the MRAs are any better. More that feminists are just the female equivalent of MRAs, same energy. It's just a bunch of tribalism that is inherently exclusionary of people of other identity groups. And a lot of Rowlings views seem come from that kind of toxicity. Basically, she's saying that there's something mystical about womenhood or something and you have to be born into it, you just can't cut off Mr. PP and be part of the club. And of course, this pisses off the "trans women are real women" crowd. And honestly much like the 2008 primaries between Clinton and Obama and all the idpol mudslinging there, or Dave Chappelle hiding behind his blackness to push his own narratives on the subject, I just see it as hilariously hypocritical. I mean, you guys created this monster. You created these groups based on identity, and then you get into these fights of who is most oppressed, and you end up fighting with each other as different strains of the same BS. As someone who thinks ALL of this stuff is stupid, I'm just laughing at you guys, going to be honest. 

On to the cancel culture thing, since a lot of SJWs are putting this line in the sand, that if you buy the movie or whatever you're a transphobe for giving her money, but I'm going to be honest, I really don't care. I would literally eat at chic fil a if I actually liked their chicken, and I freaking HATE fundamentalist christianity. I mean, my entire modern political identity is based off of that "original sin" so to speak of leaving the religion. So you can't get more personal than that. But I would still eat their chicken, yes, I would. You wanna know why? Because markets are transactional and if I cancelled every company that said or did something against my values, I guess I just wouldn't buy anything ever. I literally don't believe our system in its current form is ethical in the first place, and most transactions would run afoul of some belief of mine. That, and I recognize that I can disagree with someone while still liking their art or their products or services. One does not necessarily poison the other for me. I really dont believe in cancel culture much at all. It doesn't mean my views are reactionary, it just means i dont care for SJW virtue signalling bull#### and I'm not going to go without something just because of some abstract political opinion not directly related to the purchase itself (ie, the price too high, not liking the business model, etc.).

I mean, again if you wanna know my views on all of this: rights for women, rights for trans people, rights for everyone. Like, it's that simple for me. I don't really like to spend a lot of time actually thinking about the nuances of this issue, i'm just like "how is it so hard to allow people to live and let live?" I'm not gonna purity test anyone for having the wrong opinion on X arcane social justice issue that is totally a purity test. That crap is toxic and the ex conservative in me still has JUST enough of that "own the libs" mentality to be like...yeah F you guys, I'll do what I want. 

 But honestly, yeah. I don't care. Like, in my opinion, the only one that should really matter is "do you believe people deserve equal rights and freedom to live as they want as long as they dont hurt others or are you a reactionary piece of crap?" Notice how that's different from what SJWs actually ARE.

I mean, to my knowledge, JK Rowling isn't anti trans RIGHTS. She just doesn't believe that "trans women" really belong as bona fide members of her little identity club. And that tends to run afoul of the authoritarian SJWs who believe that you BETTER believe that trans women are real women or you're a nazi. If anyone wants to know my views on this, basically, I struggle to say they're "real women" in some sense. I believe that they have a right to live as a woman if they want, and they should be reasonably accommodated and respected for that and you shouldn't be a massive jerk to your local trans people about it (like some right wingers like to do, they LOVE to get in peoples' faces about that stuff and that's obnoxious too). But at the same time, let's be honest, would I say, sleep with a trans woman? No. No I would not. Why? Because I'm a straight male and doing so feels less than straight to me. Which kind of implies that something in me recognizes them as less than the gender they claim to be. There's nothing wrong with that. I have my preferences. And if that preference is a prejudice then I don't care if some pink haired weirdo on twitter thinks I'm "wrong." Again, I don't want to take away anyone's rights. I just want mine respected as well. You do your thing, I do mine, whatever.

My big problem here is SJWs having to push their dogma down everyone's throats. They really are like the modern religious right here. They have their little agendas, you BETTER not disagree with them in any way, or you're a bad person, and they'd likely treat me as a TERF or something too for my opinion (note: im not a terf, i reject your entire brand of politics, I'm nothing but an enlightened centrist to you people who craps on both sides of this modern culture war nonsense). And the thing that pisses me off most? I actually would say i agree with them on big picture issues. I support womens' rights, I support trans rights. But what I dont appreciate is being crapped on for not agreeing with those things for the same reasons and having the same worldview or ideology. I come at this stuff from a humanist worldview, not a postmodernist one. My opinion is one of "no gods no masters" and just being anti dogma. And I'm just as openly hostile to the far left and their nonsense as I am the religious right these days. Again, in terms of social issues, my ultimate view is "leave people alone and let them live as they want." I dont want to make you adhere to any purity test other than "dont be an authoritarian reactionary POS", which somehow, the left fails these days with their extreme tribalism and purity tests.

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