Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Thoughts on the republican debate tonight

So the debate's almost over and I want to succinctly get to my thoughts.

Like always, its a dumpster fire. Sure, theres more substantive discussion than we get from trump, that's one thing I find somewhat refreshing, but these guys have terrible views. I mean, between wanting to force us to reveal our identities on social media, to trying to ban tik tok, to banning all trans stuff, to calling anyone who question's Israel's right to exist as an anti semite, I just see a bunch of deranged ghouls on stage. 

If I had to say one stood out positively, it would be Chris Christie, but that's a low bar. Christie focused on hammering trump and when asked if he would do insane crap he was just like "uh, i dont think its in my purview to do that...". Like, he's relatively sane. The middle of the pack people are Nikki Haley and Ron Desantis. Haley ended up being well seasoned in terms of experience, but had a lot of weirdo authoritarian ideas I didnt like. She also doesn't understand why millennials can't buy houses. No, it's not interest rates, it's a "how can we afford to live on $10 an hour while housing prices go through the roof?" Ron DeSantis didnt stand out either way. He neither stood out to me positively or negatively. The big loser was Vivek Ramaswamy. This dude is a freaking idiot and a psycho. Any time he opens his mouth its like omfg, why is he allowed up on that stage to say this stupid crap, and Christie ended up having to knock him in his place a few times and point out what an inexperienced moron he was.

None of them were great. Even Christie, not a fan of his. I could at least respect him somewhat though. I guess all of them are favorable over trump. Well, maybe not vivek. Hard to say. They both suck. 

But yeah. I don't want any of these jokers. To be fair, the republican party is no longer my party and hasn't been for over a decade now, so yeah, not my circus, not my clowns. 

Now I'm going to watch TYT hosting Cenk Uygur, Dean Phillips, and Marianne Williamson. Ya know, all the non Biden democratic candidates. That should be far more interesting.

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