So, MAGA keeps F-ing around and finding out. MAGA has been in turmoil today as the protectionist wing of the party is at odds with the tech bro wing.
Elon Musk basically shot his mouth off about how he likes hiring H1B workers because Americans are too stupid to work a lot of tech jobs, and MAGA is pissed off about it. After all, "making America great again" was supposed to be about nationalism and ending immigrant labor at the expense of the American worker, right? Right?
This is why right populism is a bunch of nonsense. You're literally supporting the same trickle down economics that made you poor in the first place. These people in charge of the trump administration don't care about you. They're millionaires and billionaires, they're robber barons. At the very least, they don't care about you, and at worst they mock you and despise you. I'm not kidding. Apparently there was a video of some rich frick that came out literally mocking the rest of America for not being able to afford fancy Christmases like he can. And of course he's in with Trump too.
They don't care about you. They hate your very existence. Trump said it himself, he didn't care about you, he just wanted your vote. You guys voted for him anyway. We warned you.
Here's the reality of rich people. They dont create jobs to give you a good living. They create jobs to make themselves more money. They pay you the least money possible and then they mock you for it. And that's why Elon LOVES immigrant labor. It's about being able to get some poor and desperate sap from the third world to work for him, and have their immigration status tied to their job. That makes them more exploitable. That makes them able to get more out of workers while paying them less. They dont wanna train americans. These frickers oppose the same universal college education I'm for because they dont want their taxes to go up. Then they dont wanna train people. Then they say you're too stupid to hire. Then they hire immigrant laborers. Why do you think I became so anti work and anti jobs? It's because I RECOGNIZE this fact. I went through this after graduating college. I didn't have experience, and i needed a job to get experience, and I needed experience to get a job. And apparently im just supposed to work for free until I'm worthy to be paid a wage for what I do. They wont train me. That costs them money, and yeah, the system is dysfunctional.
No amount of paint jobs will fix it. It's rotten to its core. The only solution is to shift the well being of the working class away from jobs and toward universal income and services like healthcare. That's all we can do, without moving away from capitalism.
After all, jobs dont exist to give you a check. They exist to make rich people money. Never forget that. They dont wanna hire you. They hate the idea of having to pay you a decent living wage, and healthcare, and to give you proper training. They're laughing at you behind closed doors going on about what a sucker you are for voting for Trump. And to be fair, you are. Not gonna sugar coat it, I admit I got an elitist streak in me myself from an intellectual standpoint, but unlike them, im trying to fricking help you guys. I'm trying to wake you up where you realize what the problems with the system are and how to fix them.
Look, I know democrats arent great, but if you cared about jobs and worker rights and protectionism, you shouldve voted for Biden, he did everything for MAGA that they said they wanted. Bringing the manufacturing jobs back, full employment, worker rights and improving paychecks. I know he wasnt perfect. I know he wasnt as progressive as I would have liked, but given MAGA is a more right wing type movement, Biden actually governed in line with MAGA's purported priorities. And you guys voted him out of office, bravo.
Hope you guys learn this lesson in the next four years. Trump is not your friend. Elon Musk is not your friend. None of these rich fricks associated with trump are your friends. You just elected a class of brazen robber baron oligarchs who believe in trickle down economics/social darwinism, and you're about to find out that none of that helps you. It actually really REALLY hurts you. Tariffs hurt you. Their policies are all about making your life worse while enriching their billionaire donors and friends, and you guys elected him. Have fun with that. Hopefully you'll learn next time. If only someone could've told people this ahead of time. Oh wait, they did, and no one listened.
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