Thursday, February 2, 2017

Dear fellow leftists, STOP ACTING LIKE TERRORISTS!

Okay, I already got into the whole "is it okay to punch a Nazi" thing and came to the answer that no, no it's not. But with the violent riots as a Milo event last night, I can't help but once again urge people to knock it off, and also strengthen my stance on this issue.

So, the logic I seem to be seeing from other leftists on this issue is that it's okay to act violently against people like Nazis, white supremacists, the alt right, because their views represent a threat to peoples' safety and security. Fair point so far, I can kind of see where they're coming from in terms of the threat the views hold, but once again, our country values free speech as a new absolute as a safeguard against censorship or any slippery slope scenarios that could develop from that. But let's continue. The logic here is that because these views are so dangerous and abhorrent, it's okay to use violence against these people to dissuade them from holding these views. People who hold these views should be scared to express them publicly out of fear for their own safety, with the goal of dissuading people from holding or spreading these views in public. So...they're basically advocating for...terrorizing Nazis. Terrorize...terrorism....Wow. Are these people advocating for terrorism?

Okay, so here's the definition of terrorism from google:

the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

What these leftists are supporting fits this definition perfectly. They're using violence and intimidation, against other civilians, unlawfully, for political reasons. That's terrorism. BY DEFINITION. Not even hate speech in itself necessarily leads to that because you can argue that without corresponding action that the speech is abstract enough to not pose a direct threat to people. But when you actually advocate for violence against people, even if they're nazis, you're literally advocating for terrorism. Just so you know what you're doing. 

So please, knock it off. Not only are these acts terroristic acts, but they solve nothing. When you start screwing crap up at a Milo rally, do you think that an alt righter is going to suddenly say, oh gee, that's reasonable, I'm gonna change my mind? No, they're going to talk about how ridiculous this is, how the left doesn't respect free speech, how they have to use violence against those they disagree with to shut them up, and how they act like animals. You are not just not helping your own cause by doing this, you're HURTING it. You really are. You're changing no one's minds and actually making them oppose you more vigorously. I used to be a right winger, I know how they think on these issues. You're solving nothing.

Look, it's good to be against the alt right. It's good to oppose nazism, it's good to oppose Trump. In fact I'd even go so far to say it's a prerequisite to being a decent human being in respect to literal Nazism (I think Trump and the alt right are more moderate and don't represent as large of a threat in reality). But please, keep it peaceful. Seriously.

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