Wednesday, February 15, 2017

I'm tired of drama between SJWs and the alt right

So, sorry for not posting more often, I've been kind of lacking motivation lately and I've just been sitting back and watching things unfold. Trump is still an idiot, and democrats are still clueless. The headlines change but the basic thesis remains the same. Anyway I might be doing a few shortish posts today on stuff to express some thoughts on some issues and the first I want to tackle is this whole spat between the alt right and SJWs.

Now, as you guys know, I'm not a fan of this drama, but I talk about it constantly. Mainly because this seems to be the state of our politics in 2017. It's been going downhill since 2015 with the beginning of the 2016 election season, and it's just getting worse.

Quite frankly, it's stupid. It's really stupid. It's distracting from the real issues. The alt right acts like a bunch of edge lords that say offensive things for the sake of pissing people off intentionally, and the SJWs eat it up and get offended and freaked out at EVERYTHING. That's basically it. The alt right has the strength of keeping their cool and pretending to debate like adults while throwing in inflammatory comments with a straight face every five seconds, and the SJWs are like "ZOMG DID YOU HEAR THAT? DID YOU HEAR THAT!? THIS GUY IS A NAZI! HE MUST BE STOPPED! REEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!"

SJWs, let's be honest, you guys are more correct on issues of race and gender and tolerance than the alt right is. But you guys are such obnoxious insufferable ***holes in expressing themselves. You're so smug, condescending, holier than thou, while at the same time being so easy to troll and manipulate. You eat it right up. The alt right sets out bait for you, and you eat it up and get whipped up in a frenzy of perpetual outrage. Even if you're right on the order of 80-90% of the time, you get so hyperbolic and irrational and hyped up in your stupid little virtue signalling groupthink sessions that you piss off rational people who don't care about the drama. You actually turn people against you. People who otherwise would be allies if only you would cool your jets and stop acting like jerks. Stop taking the bait, stop feeding the trolls, stop giving these people air time. Let's focus on the REAL issues.

And to the alt right. You guys might be cool and rational and all, and you might come off like the mature adults relative to the SJWs all flinging their crap everywhere, but let's be honest. You're trolls. You just are. Your views are abhorrent, you say offensive, wrong things. You're not "race realists", you're racists. You're not taking the "red pill" or "going your own way", you're sexists. Your views are awful, and while I don't go around losing my crap because I am a mature adult, let's call a spade a spade here. You guys are the racist, bigoted underbelly of the republican party that's been kept under wraps since Nixon and you only have the air time you do because the left GIVES you that air time. The world would be better off if we all just ignored and marginalized you like we have for the last 40 years.

Seriously. Can we stop dealing with this BS? Donald Trump never would have been elected if we had not fed the troll. The alt right would not have a platform had we not fed the troll. These guys live and feed on the outrage and tears of SJWs. If we did not have to deal with the alt right vs the SJWs, this election would have ended much differently, and we might've actually had a productive discussion on the issues. Instead everyone is flinging their crap around like a bunch of chimpanzees and it's really getting old.

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