Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Clintonites give "identity politics" a bad name

So...identity politics. I rip on it a lot. I get a lot of flak for doing it too. It's one of those things that tries to elevate people and causes beyond question. If you don't agree with the person who wields such politics, expect to be called a bigot, a sexist, a racist, etc.

But identity politics in and of itself isn't a bad thing. There are real issues that women face, that racial and religious minorities face. That non straight white males of a protestant faith face. And you know what? The toxic identity politics of which I speak takes away from these very legitimate issues.

Hillary Clinton has recently blamed her electoral defeat on sexism. This is about 5% truth, and 95% BS. Sure, there was some sexist people in this country, but many people who didn't like her, especially on the left, didn't like her because she was a corrupt scumbag who stole the primary and arrogantly talked down and browbeat voters into submission.But hey, someone with that mentality isn't going to actually admit that they did something wrong, so they hide behind identity politics. It wasn't that she's a bad candidate, it's all those darned sexists who say bad things about her. And if you dare say anything bad about her, you are apparently a sexist. This is how scum like this protect themselves. They can't admit they did wrong. So they blame everyone else, and you know what? Doing this is a slap in the face to real women everywhere, who face real discrimination.

Many people are going to be turned off from identity politics completely because these obnoxious people abuse it to further their own political careers. It's sickening. This is how we get the right screaming about the left seeing themselves as victims. Because when identity politics is abused to actually make someone who did something wrong or pissed people off for other reasons appear to be innocent and a victim of sexism, it kind of makes everyone who points out legitimate sexism and crap into whiners too. It's sickening and needs to stop.

Another example of this identity politics being abused recently comes in the form of Trevor Noah's comments on Obama taking $400,000 to give a Wall Street Speech. He said something along the lines that apparently the first black president must also be the first one to not take money after all the white people did so. Seriously dude? Clinton came under fire for wall street money and the DNC sponsored media claimed sexism...now it's racism because we go after Obama for doing the same thing? Are we only allowed to criticize straight white male protestants now? That seems to be the game these people play. Only straight white male protestants can be criticized, any criticism of anyone else must fall into some form of "ism" or "phobia". Once again, it's sickening, and it detracts from the real issues that people face. Real women who struggle with the glass ceiling see their cause degraded because just about the most privileged woman in the country is throwing a hissy fit over not winning the election. Every black person who faces legitimate discrimination and double standards sees their cause degraded by these jokers running to Obama's defense for taking Wall Street money. Screw these people.

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