Friday, May 5, 2017

The republicans never fail to disappoint

So...Obamacare repeal. Big issue right now. Republicans are trying to mount their second assault against Obamacare, and as of posting this bill has passed the house, meaning unless senate democrats get it shut down or a few moderate republicans turn against it, we're screwed.

The logic behind this bill comes off as pure selfish sociopathy. The republicans don't want healthcare system in which the sick can afford healthcare. They want a system in which only those who can afford healthcare can get it. Everyone pays for themselves, and if you are sick and can't afford it, screw you. They don't even hide it, Alabama republican Mo Brooks basically pretty much said that, and also implied people who get sick do so for not leading good lives. I really don't have much to say about this than screw these people. The kinds of sociopathy required to be a republican these days, the idea that we should save tax payers a few bucks by leaving them to die, is so outrageous to me I don't know how this is acceptable in the modern political spectrum. This is lunacy. These people are sociopathic nutjobs.

The ACA may not have been perfect, I complain about it a lot. But the idea that it makes healthy people help subsidize sick people is a feature, not a bug. Sick people NEED healthcare the most, and under free market economics get royally screwed when trying to acquire it. ACA didn't go far enough but it took significant measures to improve that. And you know what? Guess what healthy people, you get sick too sometimes. And you will get sick as you get older. Everyone does. Has anyone seen anyone in their 80s and 90s who don't have medical issues? Heck, anyone hear of anyone in their 50s and 60s without one? The republicans are the real death panels here. Get sick? Screw off and die. That's their motto.

Trump voters, I hope you understand what you brought forth on this country. You brought forth extremist sociopaths who more or less don't care if people die as long as it lowers their taxes. These people are deplorable, and I hate to use the Hillary word, but if you still support these guys knowing this, you're deplorable too. And if you are morally outraged by this and voted for Trump, lesson learned, don't vote republican. Wish you would've learned this sooner, but just as I needed a rude awakening to realize these people are sociopathic crooks, so may you, and I won't judge you for it. Anyway,if that's you, welcome to liberalism, home of sensible public policy that helps people and doesn't leave them to die. We're happy to have you. Don't support the republicans again. You don't have to like the democrats even. I don't. Just make sure you never vote republican again. This is their true colors. Don't forget it.

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