Thursday, December 28, 2023

Briefly discussing my use of "civilized vs "uncivilized"

 So, Im reading a book on the development of the work ethic over time (I plan on eventually responding to it), and I did get to a part that talked about how the British used the terms civilized and uncivilized. We all know about enclosure and colonization on this blog, I read some of Widerquist's books on that, and how westerners did not respect the lifestyle of natives who lived abroad. Hell they didnt even respect their own peasants. 

All in all, this book seems to link the idea of civilized and uncivilized to internalizing work ethic. A civilized person embraces work ethic, is regularly industrious, and constantly works. An uncivilized person doesnt. The book talks about how people abroad would often work only enough to sustain their needs and stop, and how they needed to have work ethic beaten into them. Heck, that seems to be how we got work ethic as it was. We forced it on people. We still force it on people, which is why I find modern society so intolerable. 

Still, I have noticed I've been using such language at times in foreign policy debates, civilized, uncivilized. Certain groups being "barbarians". I want to assure people, nothing I say is inherently about work ethic. Nor about race, because thats a constant criticism. When I say that I support the western way of life, I'm talking first and foremost about freedom, liberal democracy, the rule of law, separation of church and state, and human rights. 

I criticize the likes of the Russian military and their treatment of ukrainians as uncivlized. I condemn the actions of radical terrorist groups like Hamas due to their religious extremism and genocidal intentions toward israel. What makes these groups uncivilized is, ironically, their willingness to use violence, religion, and authoritarianism to impose their will on others. Their lack of value of human life. Things like that. I dont invoke Jesus very often, but it's as he said "those who live by the sword die by the sword." This is a matter of action and reaction to me. When dealing with people who want what's yours, who want to oppress and enslave you, and use violence against you, it is justified to defend yourself. If it's you or them, you gotta take care of yourself. That's all I'm saying there.

If anything, I think imperialists who seek to enslave others, and beat work ethic into them are the barbarians. WHat we westerners have done to the world over the past several centuries, and in some cases continue to do, is disgusting. It should stop. We shouldnt impose our economic will on the rest of the world any more than needed. I support defending ourselves against all enemies, as well as our allies, but i really dont seek to impose our economic system or our work ethic on others more than necessary. 

Heck, reading about the consequences of the enclosure movement and colonizing the world disgusts me, and I feel revulsion toward the partie responsible. What was done is one of the greatest evils in the world, and if anything, my ideas are about taming capitalism, and taking our neverending quest for more and freeing people from economic oppression. 

So yeah. I just wanted to make that clear. 

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