Sunday, December 3, 2023

Briefly discussing the Newsom Desantis debate

 So, apparently Ron DeSantis and Gavin Newsom had a debate the other day. I don't know why. I mean, Desantis is running for president, but Newsom isn't. It seemed kind of pointless. And it was a crapshow, with Ron DeSantis doing hacky attacks on Newsom's record in California and Newsom, quite frankly, thrashing him. Beyond that it was basically a screaming match where they would scream over each other and yeah, it was a total crapshow. I don't even know why this happened.

I guess it was to showcase Newsom as a possible Biden replacement? I mean, I'm not a fan of Newsom's politics, he's too moderate for me, but he does have the charisma to hold his own in debates and rebut republican candidates. Would he do better than Biden? That remains to be seen. I'm a polls guy and there ain't any polls on him vs Trump or DeSantis. 

I do think he has more charisma and could probably defend his positions better than Biden though. Biden...I mean, let's face it, they don't call him "sleepy Joe" for nothing. He looks like he's gonna fall asleep at the podium half the time. It's not that he isn't a competent president. He is, and he's been pretty progressive all things considered. Newsom reminds me like Dean Phillips, a younger "pretty boy" democrat who has charisma but probably would be objectively worse than Biden on policy. 

Still if electability trumps all else in this environment, we might end up with him at some point. *sigh...*

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