Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Jon Stewart is back!

 HE IS BACK! And it was glorious. He went full stop into the 2024 election, and ripped both of the candidates a new behind for being WAY too old to run. I actually suspected his humor wouldnt land with zoomers as a lot of them seem too serious and angry all the time to take a joke, but I was actually wrong. Zoomers probably LOVE this. The people who don't, are establishment types. Because let's face it, Biden just called the democratic party out in a way that few are willing to these days. And he's already getting some flak over it. 

Basically, he says Biden is too old. he talked about the "I'm not senile" press conference Joe did, and how badly he botched it, and he made some good points. Listening to it again, Biden didnt really look too good here. He kind of talked in vagueries and the made that cringey "president of Mexico" comment AT THAT PRESS CONFERENCE. And yeah. Let's face it, Biden IS old. And he DOES give the appearance of having lost a step. I dont think he's full on senile, but yeah, maybe he really should be enjoying his last years taking it easy rather than being president.

Of course, DNC types are taking massive offense to this. They cant take criticism well in the modern era. THeir entire approach to politics is trying to set a narrative and then being like HOW DARE YOU GO AGAINST OUR NARRATIVE. Which is why i have so much disdain for them. I dont always agree with their narrative. Sometimes they can sell stuff to me, but a lot of the time, they're ridiculously bad at it to almost reverse psychology levels of making me LESS inclined to support them because their general attitude toward voters is so crap that it just makes me wanna do the opposite of what they say out of spite (which is how Hillary lost 2016). 

But, you know what? Deal with it. Because Jon Stewart himself said at one point that voters arent beholden to the DNC and have to back up their candidates, they have to appeal to the voters, and honestly, again, the dems are horrendously bad at that.

The problem with the dems, is that they're a political machine. They believe in patronage and a spoils system. They believe in paying your dues and being loyal and saying and doing the right things, and that if you score enough brownie points with them, that maybe you'll earn some sort of position. They dont believe in meritocracy and what the voters want. They literally believe in bullying voters into their position, and I respect Jon Stewart for using his first day to take a stand here and put these guys in their place. Because let's face it, without voices like his, the past 8 years have just been the same crap over and over again. You HAVE to support hillary or else, you HAVE to support biden or else. You HAVE to support Biden AGAIN or else. And at this point they're basically just dianne feinsteining the dude. 

They're even getting to a point where the new narrative is its too late to replace biden because DNC bylaws blah blah blah, ballot access blah blah blah, brokered convention,b lah blah blah. Ignoring that we have had only 3 states vote so far, and have 47 to go, and we do have an alternative on the ballot. Of course, they dont want to give that alternative the shot because he cut in line and didnt abide by their little patronage system. He didnt EARN it. So if they took biden off the ballot they'd wanna give it to Harris, and everyone knows Harris is even LESS electable than Biden, and that literally NO ONE likes her. And if they put her up without voter approval, they'd probably also get ripped by voters from the inside, kinda like they did when they put up stevenson in 1952 or humphrey in 1968. So....they're basically dianne feinsteining this guy instead. It's sad to see, but this is the hole they dug us into by putting this guy up in the first place, and refusing to have him step aside sooner so we could have a real open primary

And I fear that we're gonna lose because of this. Im not AS angry this time, as there isnt anyone else I significantly want over biden to the point im ride or die on them (although dean phillips IS a better candidate IMO). I'm just frustrated and disappointed. This is the rematch that no one freaking wants. And Jon Stewart did a good job explaining the problems with both candidates' ages. I honestly dont think anyone over 80 should run in the first place. Biden gets a pass because he's an incumbent, but his age is clearly hurting him.

And of course it's hurting trump too. I actually suspect that guy IS going full dementia on us. Like full stop. Not just in a weird grey area like Biden, but actually saying things that are troubling with regularity that make me question his mental fitness. 

We need younger candidates in general. Ugh. I wish the dems would just put up dean phillips and be done with it. 

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