Saturday, February 3, 2024

Who would I want for 2028?

 So, some people are already talking about 2028 online and who their dream ticket would be. Some liberals actually discussed it on reddit, and I was thinking of responding on here to their suggestions, but that actually would be a waste of time and giant cringe, suffice to say they have no decent answers. I mean, they're thinking of people like Gretchen Whitmer, Gavin Newsom, Pared Polis, and Pete Buttigieg. And to that, I say "ugh." 

I mean, here's the problem with die hard democrats. For as much as most people don't want Biden, they seem to be itching for someone who has all of the exact same policies as Biden (if not more centrist), while not being Biden. And let's face it, for me, my big issue with Biden isn't his age, it IS the fact that he's a centrist and is very milquetoast. I don't want more of that. I want a new FDR figure with a 21st century new deal. That's what I've been pushing for since around 2014, 10 years ago (time flies). And I'm sorry, but these candidates aren't that. 

Now, to be fair, I'm not sure who could fit the bill. Some people in the aforementioned thread wanted Warren. But she would be 79 and too old. Bernie would be like 87. I could see him finishing up from 2020 at that age but not STARTING. I'd prefer to have someone under 80. But the democratic bench for progressives isn't very big. Nina Turner was looking to be a dynamic possibility, and I guess she still is. She would be 61 in 2029 when she would be elected. Would be out by 69 in 2037. But honestly, it seems like her political career is over after losing in Ohio. And honestly, I'm moving away from the leftist mold of candidates somewhat. Marianne would be too old.

Honestly? I think that my "dream ticket", if I don't run myself (and I probably won't) would be Andrew yang and Dean Phillips. Dean has gotten on my radar this election cycle, and while I would like someone more progressive, he's not bad. He has endorsed medicare for all and shown interest in UBI. Yang has been historically for UBI, and iffy on M4A. But that's the catch, isnt it? They could either be the most progressive candidates in decades, if not ever, or we end up getting stuck with another milquetoast centrist administration at which point we might as well just get fricking Gretchen Whitmer in there or someone like that. 

Still, the Yang-esque forwardist mold of candidates is getting closest to what I want at this point. Still moderate enough to appeal to normies and not be foaming at the mouth all of the time like the modern left, while also being more progressive (at least on paper) than a worthless centrist. 

So which should be president and which VP? Idk, I like Yang better on policy since he seems to be the big ideas person for human centered capitalism and his pro UBI ideology, and it's basically an offshoot of my own ideology. Phillips is more a standard centristy democrat who is shifting left as he realizes the democrats aren't his friends and he is feeling less pressure to be a team player. Still, Phillips has actual political experience and can probably navigate Washington DC better than Yang can, if he hasnt already burned his bridges with the democrats. 

And yeah. I could see it working. I'm not sure if it would get me everything I want, because I quite frankly dont trust Yang or Phillips to keep their eyes on the prize and could see them shifting away from their political goals if the political winds of the day blow them that way (and let's face it, the pressure against doing the right thing in washington is hurricane force winds intended to blow people off their feet), but...honestly? I don't have any better ideas unless I ran myself, and I don't think I would be a good candidate. Sure, I have the ideas, but I'm also a mess of executive dysfunction and I'm averse to wearing suits. And I have no experience myself, and people would probably rip me for being too openly anti work. I'm honestly better as an activist than as a politician. As Obama said once of Bernie, prophets don't get to be kings. And I'm more the prophet type. So yeah. Yang/Phillips for 2028 it is. Until someone better comes along.

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