Tuesday, August 9, 2016

More on the green's platform and socialism

After reading more about the platform change online, someone suggested that the socialist language used in the platform was a form of libertarian socialism. While to the left of me, I generally see the world in a similar way in terms of the problems, with my criticism of coercion in the capitalist system, but I would say I'm ideally far more moderate than this in practice. Still, again, it seems like this is the "good" form of socialism, as opposed to the bad form. I would prefer to keep a capitalist system with a more social democratic approach and a basic income ideally, but this isn't really awful either.

Considering how my choice is between this and Clinton style centrism, I think holding the democratic party's feet to the fire for their suppression of the Sanders campaign on multiple levels and a rejection of his views is more important right now, and think that a socialist bend to the green party might actually put more pressure on the democrats to move in the right direction. Still, I do want to emphasize that this change is to the left of my own views, which are ultimately capitalist.

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