Friday, August 12, 2016

On 2016 election related conspiracy theories

There's been a huge propensity I've noticed among ex-Sanders supporters and others to engage in a lot of conspiracy theory nonsense since the democratic convention. I'm basically discussing this to say, STOP. You're making us all look bad.

Look, I know in light of Clinton being shady as heck, and the DNC doing questionable things to potentially rig the democratic primary that it's reasonable to be suspicious of Clinton, but honestly, people are jumping at every coincidence as a giant conspiracy on the part of the Clintons. There's all this talk of Clinton hiding some debilitating medical condition including medical records that many people who are talking about them are claiming are falsified, and all this talk that basically everyone who dies remotely close to the Clinton administration being murdered, etc. I mean, I know there are some facts that don't add up about the Seth Rich thing (no items missing despite attempted robbery, etc.), but ultimately, we have no serious evidence outside of Julian Assange's implications, which could easily be him trying to stir up a hornet's nest.

Look, if you're gonna accuse Clinton of this stuff seriously, at least do some research on the matter, look for evidence, engage in some level of critical thinking, and above all, CHECK SNOPES before spreading the stuff.

Most of these accusations being leveled at Clinton now are nothing like the accusations that the DNC was rigging the primary. I mean, that could be figured out just by having advanced knowledge of how propaganda and the media works. But stuff like murder and all? Yeah, no, if you believe that stuff on anything more than a level of merely entertaining the possibility, I advise you to rethink your position.

If the ex-Sanders movement retreats into a conspiracy theory filled echo chamber, what really separates us from the conservatives? That's the big problem with the right these days. They're too influenced by Fox News and Rush Limbaugh and infowars and tend to eat up a ton of propaganda where they lose touch with reality. I fear that the same thing will happen to our movement if we let it, and if it does, we will lose our credibility and factual high ground, and ultimately lose the debate. So please, fellow ex-Berners, don't lose touch with reality, don't eat up tons of bullcrap, and think critically about crazy unproven claims about presidential candidates.

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