Monday, November 23, 2020

Debunking the "strasserite" smear

So, the neoliberals and SJWs have a new word! Now, any white male who is hardcore into social democracy like, say, Kyle Kulinski, or even myself, is now being called a "strasserite" by the woke crowd. The idea is that we are "class reductionists", because we don't go on and on nonstop about identity politics every 5 seconds, and because we focus more on class issues and economic issues, this is their new academic sounding word to smear us. Let's look at what "strasserism" is.

Oh, lovely, so they're literally calling us nazis now. Yep, strasserism is a form of nazism that tends to be more economically left, but seems to pin all of the problems with society on "t3h j00s". You know, because nazis are anti semites. Yikes, that doesn't sound like me. I'm just some white dude who wants basic income and universal healthcare. I don't see any reason to accuse people of literally being a nazi for now bowing to your circlejerk. This is why no one takes the woke left seriously. 

Look, I'm gonna be honest, the only reason I crap on the identity politics literally because of stuff like this. I resent being called racist, sexist, anti semitic, nazi, etc. JUST for daring to put my economic interests above all other politics. Most social justice warriors fall into two camps. Either they're rich neoliberals who user that stuff as divide and conquer, or they're literal socialists and communists who use that stuff to purity test people. And the rich neoliberals LOVE to use these politics to badmouth anyone who dares emphasize economic issues over social ones. To be fair, I've seen some more socialist extremist type guy use this on me once as a purity test, but most of the time it's just some "woke" neolib shoving identity crap down my throat. Because they love to pit economic interests against class interests when no inherent contradiction exists, they just create one to maintain their power. Which ironically does create something similar to strasserites among some Trump supporters.

Speaking of which, if you want to compare Donald Trump to fascism, go right ahead. I mean the dude is an authoritarian strong man who  hates democracy and detains certain minorities in camps to concentrate them in one place *cough* while openly touting white supremacist dog whistles and appealing to people who are the equivalent of the modern day brown shirts. Yeah. Trump is fair game. Don't get me wrong. I call him stuff like Mango Mussolini all the time in my daily lexicon. Because that's what he is. Literally.

My problem is with bashing social democrats as nazis of some kind. Look, here's the thing. Despite my complaints about woke politics, I actually get the theory. I mean, I studied sociology in college as one of my majors. I'm familiar with privilege, gender critical theory, race critical theory, the sordid history of the underprivileged in our society. I actually get it. And I actually do think that those politics have a place on the left. I just don't believe they should dominate the left and come at the expense of class politics. And when neolibs cynically use that crap to bully me, well, it's on.

And I'm sure most economic progressives get that. We're not stupid. We're not some closet sexists and racists who secretly support trumpism. We just resent how the woke crowd uses identity politics to control people in a similar way christianity uses "sin." Where we constantly must apologize for being human and submit our entire being to some cause the person in power wants us to. That's literal brainwashing.

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