Sunday, June 13, 2021

Watching liberals freak out over Merrick Garland gives me schadenfreude

 So, Merrick Garland, once a supreme court nominee under Obama, is now the Attorney General. And everywhere, liberals who were pissed off over the republicans' unreasonable obstruction of nominating SCOTUS justices felt a great sense of justice as "their guy" finally got a prominent position in a Biden administration. A few months later, these same liberals are salty because now Garland is defending Trump. And now liberals everywhere feel betrayed, and pissed off, and wonder, how? How could he do that to us? Isn't this a stab in the back? Well, yeah, it is, but you guys should've seen it coming.

I remember when Garland was proposed in 2016, he was an ill advised attempt of the Obama administration to compromise with the GOP. Sound familiar? Garland was not a really left wing judge. he was a moderate. But, the Obama administration, in all of its great wisdom, decided, hey, you know what? We're never going to get a full left wing justice confirmed to replace Scalia, so let's compromise. I'll offer this moderate justice and...

Wait what? You aren't holding ANY hearings on SCOTUS justices at all until after the election? This is outrageous! You're literally failing to uphold your constitutional duties! It didn't matter. SCOTUS nominations required advice and consent of the senate, and the senate was run by republicans, and McConnell did this really nasty thing of deciding, hey, we're just not gonna even hold hearings on this. See you next year! So the election determined who would fill the seat, and them Trump won and rammed Gorsuch down our throats. Huge reason why Hillary's entire campaign strategy to progressives relied on "BuT tHe CoUrT!!!11!"

Then RBG died four years later and McConnell, in a sheer display of hypocrisy, rammed Amy Comey Barrett through right before the election, because, well, screw you, that's why. 

So why do I have schadenfreude over democrats being salty over Garland defending Trump? Well, because when Biden got in, Garland was at the top of the democrats' list for a position, and they made him AG. But they seem to ignore the fact that he was a compromise to begin with, and then he turns around and starts defending republicans.Admittedly there may be some deeper legal reasoning behind it. Law isn't always like politics. Judicial philosophy is a bit more sophisticated than rank political ideology and left vs right fights. 

But still. Liberals end up unhappy with their own compromises? Sounds like them. They love to compromise with the GOP, get rejected because the GOP are extremist ideologues, and then they end up compromising on their compromises. And then they end up unhappy when their compromised compromises don't do anything or backfire on them politically. It's like, wake up. You guys were the ones who wanted this. We could've told you you shouldn't have compromised in the first place and fought for what you believe in, but then i'd be told to shut up and that I'm not practical and I need to compromise and be for incrementalism.

Screw your compromises and incrementalism. This is what you get. The Biden administration is exactly what you get. You bend over backwards to appeal to the GOP with moderate conservative nominees and policies, they move to the right, you get nothing done, you end up compromising on the compromises, and you end up unhappy with what you get. This is what you get. I told you guys freaking 5 years ago on here, what you get with Biden is what you get. The infrastructure deal, the childcare deal, the nonexistent healthcare and student debt plans, Merrick Garland. You compromise. And then you compromise on the compromise. And then you get nothing, and no one is happy. Next time fight for what you actually believe in. We know that at some point, you're gonna have to compromise. But it's better to start far left and only have to compromise once, than to live your life compromising, getting <25% of what you actually want, and then being unhappy. That's what you get.

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