Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Welp, that settles it, unemployment benefits aren't stopping people from working

 A recent study came out and pretty much confirmed it for good, the extended unemployment benefits aren't discouraging work. While they make little sense, the temporary nature of the benefits is driving people to take jobs, unless they're really low quality jobs with bad pay. This is interesting because it makes me wonder how UBI compares. UBI is a much more permanent solution but it's also a lot less generous. The permanency could discourage work, but the lower benefits and favorable benefits structure could encourage it. I guess it's a wash, I mean, the Finland experiment seemed to show that. Either way, it seems like the big problems with the economy right now are fear over catching COVID, childcare issues, and the fact that employers are greedy and don't want to pay and treat employees decently. They want slaves, and when they don't get them they get pissy. Screw them.

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