Sunday, January 16, 2022

Why "nofap" is garbage

So, between arguments I've been in with a friend lately, and Vaush apparently debating some nutty nofap professor, I felt like maybe I should throw in my thoughts on nofap. 

Look, here's the thing. God (largely) doesn't care what you do with your peepee. You have free will. You can do what you want. Just don't harm someone or rape someone or bypass reasonable social restrictions involving things like consent. Fapping is something that harms no one inherently, and you can do it as much as you want. Maybe if you have a medical condition that restricts that, well, you should probably do it less, but otherwise, whatever floats your boat. And if you don't believe in God, well, all the more reason to fap all you want.

I don't accept religious arguments against fapping. Most arguments against the concept are based on the argument from nature, and commit an is ought fallacy. Basically they think sexual activity should be restricted to deeply committed partners within the bounds of a legal contract, and that it's primarily for child rearing. Anything outside of this is "obscene" or "profane" and "abusing nature" or some crap.

That's nonsense. Just because monogamous relationships can be awesome, and because sex CAN be used for child rearing, doesn't mean that you HAVE to link sexual activity to that stuff. You can have thoughts and act on them in the confines of your own mind that are completely between you and ...yourself, and that's fine. 

Some people might say porn is bad. I mean, I don't think it inherently is, if created by consenting adults. People might point to the exploitation of sex workers and while we should try to minimize that that doesn't mean I think it should be illegal. And I consider sex work to essentially be a form of "real work". Spend 50 years breaking your back in a warehouse to the point you retire with severe spinal stenosis and that's okay. Show some private parts online and everyone loses their minds and worries about you being "exploited". There is the wage slavery argument, but let's face it, if you're gonna go there you should be against wage slavery in all jobs and be for basic income. As long as the people in the productions are consenting adults, I have no problems with it. If they're not consenting or not adults, clearly there are problems with it, and those are separate ethical issues that cause harm to other human beings and are therefore bad and unethical. But consenting adults is fine.

And yeah. This should be a no brainer given my overall socially libertarian ideology, but given I've been seeing this topic brought up a lot I felt like writing an article on it. There's no valid reason to be against this stuff assuming no one is harmed by it. I don't buy those BS conservative arguments arguing from the purpose and design of sex, or any of that. Do what you want, as long as you don't hurt anyone.

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