Monday, July 11, 2022

Most people don't want Biden to run for reelection

 So, a poll came out, that basically said that most people don't want Biden to run for reelection. I'm not really surprised. The dude is basically Jimmy Carter 2.0, and not in a good way. Inflation is high, Russia is invading people again, gas prices are high, he's ineffective and dealing with a hostile congress from within his own party. We're partying like it's 1979 here. Honestly, if it weren't for the republicans wrapping up a huge gift and delivering it on a silver platter in the form of a batcrap insane supreme court that just overturned roe v wade and other important precedents that serve as a bedrock of our democracy in the modern era, we would be looking at an apocalyptic red wave right now. And even on that issue, he's still managing to screw it up, scolding liberal protesters as extremist activists and promising to do little to nothing for them. 

Folks, this is the epitome of the Biden presidency. The dude campaigned on being worthless, and he's governing even worse. There was intense pressure from the actual democratic voters to move left and embrace bold new ideas, but the democrats did what they always did, they ran to the center, ran the "safe" option, and promised to do nothing. And what they did promise wasn't much, and when they got into office, they just let Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema roadblock it all. 

And now Biden's numbers are flopping and he can't even do the abortion thing right. GUYS, THE GOP GAVE YOU A HUGE GIFT, AND YOU'RE BLOWING IT. Seriously, most Americans want abortion rights to exist. You have the support of the public. And you're blowing it. And even worse youre talking down your base. 

Look, I know I rip the SJW types a lot. Even on abortion. Some of the most extreme activists are annoying, calling for anyone who is pro life to be silenced on public forums, and saying alienating things like "THIS IS A WOMAN'S ISSUE, IF YOU'RE A MAN YOU DON'T HAVE A RIGHT TO AN OPINION", which, even as a pro choice male ally, I find alienating as fudge. But let's face it, at the end of the day, I AM pro choice, supporting abortion morally through the second trimester (roughly 24 weeks), and legally, still supporting it until birth because I'd rather people who need an abortion have access to it, than to have republicans pass insane laws that restrict it from people who need it for necessary medical reasons. But this isn't good enough for some activists and abortion supporters, because I don't support it for the "correct" feminist reasons but instead make up my own framework of justifications based on my study of the issue. So...I will concede that, some activists are annoying.

But what are these activists trying to get Biden to do? Stuff like opening up clinics on federal land to ensure people have a right to abortion closer to where they live. That's reasonable, and Biden should be doing everything in his power to fight this issue. he should even take the fight to the supreme court, attempting to check its power when he's able to. Instead he does nothing.

Folks, Biden has been worthless for a while. He was always the wrong guy to take on the GOP. Clinton was too. These guys are moderate democrats from the previous era who basically feel most at home making back room deals with the GOP, they don't understand this post 2016 (or even post 2008, given Obama's campaign based on "hope and change") environment in which voters, especially young voters, actually expect things from their politicians. 

Speaking of age, just look at the age breakdown of the people who want Biden to step aside for someone else. 94% of gen zers and younger millennials want Biden to step aside. That's virtually unanimous. Most millennials are at 67%, which is still a clear majority, but a bit more supportive. Looking at the Xers and boomers, which are the core generations that Biden draws support from, we're talking 55% among the Xers, and 42% from the boomers/silents. 

Guys, I've said it all along. The only reason people liked Biden was he was supposed to get Trump out of office. That's it. The democrats played the hostage game in 2020 like they did in 2016, and it worked this time. But he never had an agenda to keep a majority. I know a lot of the mainstream democrats and Hillary supporters will keep relitigating 2016 and say if only we voted for Hillary none of this would have happened, but people seem to forget that we're dealing with long term trends in politics here. While there often is an election or two that can be realigning, what matters is the trend. Reagan, for example, was the result of a combination of 12-16 years of democratic party infighting, ineffective leaders, and Nixon using the southern strategy to build his coalition. He didn't come out of nowhere, he was a product of the times. The same is true of people like Trump. The forces that allowed Trump and everything bad that happened because of him were there for years before it happened. And the solutions are there too. But, we keep choosing the negative pattern over the solutions. 

As long as the GOP is allowed to continue to keep radicalizing, and the democrats keep insisting on being weak, doing nothing to fight them, and keep trying to meet them half way, nothing will change. Hillary AND Trump in 2016 were responsible for this. They effectively started the realignment. And now we're getting "the bad one" where the GOP is moving toward fascism and the democrats are continuing their learned helplessness crap of just failing to do anything of value. The combination is deadly. The solution isn't to just keep electing democrats, because the democrats aren't doing anything of note to actually earn their support. They seem to forget that. FDR earned his support. Even Reagan, who I despised, he earned his support. But the democrats are dropping the ball just like they did after the fall of the new deal coalition. Biden REALLY is Jimmy Carter 2.0. And that's literally the worst thing I can call a modern democratic president. Just like Jimmy Carter was weak, ineffective, and sat by as the GOP was able to deal the final fatal blow to the new deal era, and sealing the neoliberal era in its place, Biden is doing the same. Except now the enemy is Trumpism.

It didn't have to be this way, and it doesn't have to be this way. There is still time to prevent this. But it means the left needs to take bold and decisive action. Dumping Biden and going with someone more progressive would be just the right move. And if we had gone this route from 2016, running say, bernie Sanders, I fully believe the country would be in a far better place today than it is right now.

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