Wednesday, July 20, 2022

The one pro choice argument I can't stand

 So, I'm unapologetically pro choice, but that doesn't mean that there aren't arguments in favor of abortion that sound like nails on a chalkboard. Most of them have to do with identity politics. As you guys know, i feel like identity politics are cancer. And this is true even on issues where I actually agree with the SJWs.

One argument that drives me nuts is this weird idea that men shouldn't have opinions on abortion. I always end up dealing with this shrieking feminists who are like, HURR DURR YOU'RE A MAN, AND MEN SHOULDN'T HAVE OPINIONS ON ABORTION, IT'S A WOMAN'S ISSUE, BLAH BLAH BLAH. 

Like, seriously, and I say this with all due kindness and respect, but please kindly shut the frick up. Like here's the thing. I AGREE WITH YOU. You should have a right to get an abortion if you want to. I actually am a staunch defender of the pro choice position, and this blog should be a testament to that fact. I AM ON YOUR SIDE. AND I'M A MAN. DON'T TELL ME TO SHUT UP. YOU SHUT UP. 

Like, seriously, identity politics is the most toxic thing ever almost. It's like, okay, who do you trust to preserve your rights more, me or Amy Comey Barrett, aka the female supreme court justice who thinks we shouuld all live in the handmaid's tale? DUH. 

And then there's all these stupid arguments about how we should ban men from getting viagra, or they should be forced to pay child support at conception, or that there should be a sex strike from women. First of all, sex strike, that's just what the traditionalists want. They want people to stop doing it unless you're making babies. So stop giving them ammo. Second, why the frick should I be punished, because you think "men" are the problem and your response to some religious nutjobs banning abortion which you see as a womens issue, is to go around banning men. Like wtf, we're not the problem, no matter what you say.

Seriously, this feminism crap is awful. I'm not crapping on all goals of feminism. I understand that originally feminism had good intentions. But this fourth wave crap is just terrible. Honestly, much of the ideology behind modern social justice movements are terrible. 

You realize people can agree with you without having your exact ideology, and that you're alienating them right? Politics is about coalition building and if your quest for purity is so extreme, then that's a problem. 

I really don't know why I have to knock these people so hard. They should be my allies but they piss me off as much as the actual right.  

Oh, and one more thing. The whole "if men could get pregnant abortion would be legal" thing is stupid. Because the reason so many divisions between sexes came around in the first place is specifically because women can get pregnant and men can't. Literally everything sexist in our society comes from that inherent biological difference, as social structures emerged around such differences. Men were hunters and women gatherers. Then men would work and women would raise children. And while dont get me wrong, I'm perfectly fine with women entering mens' spheres of existence, I mean, I AM an egalitarian at heart. And your real problem is with the TRADITIONALISTS. We literally got conservatives with religious ideology who still live by ethical systems that were designed in an era where women were property. And they don't know how to cope. And that IS a problem. But this is an issue of progressivism vs traditionalism, not men vs women. I swear, this identity crap really poisons everything. How do you people not see this stuff? It's like, the far left TRIES to piss people off by being as obnoxious as possible.

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