Tuesday, July 19, 2022

This modern brand of pro lifers are insane

 So, I know I just got done defending the right of weirdo extremists to express crappy views online, and now I'm going to rip some of those views.

This modern bunch of pro lifers are insane.

When I was pro life back in my fundie christian days, I kind of understood a few things. There were always going to be exceptions where abortion was acceptable. I generally opposed elective abortion, but I generally conceded ground on the following exceptions:

1) Threat to the mother's health- clearly the mother's health had to come first. No one should put up with a pregnancy that risks killing them. That seems the very opposite of pro life, and very cruel.

2) Incest or cases of birth defects- I mean if bringing this child into the world is cruel and there are serious birth defects or the fetus is a product of incest, yeah, I could see that being acceptable.

3) Rape- This one I was a bit more shaky on as I had a classmate in christian school who said they were a product of rape, but I honestly am not really keen on forcing someone to bring a child into the world if they were caused by rape. I admitted this was a bit more of a grey area for me, but still.

That was my opinion as a fundie christian in like, 2004. And I got a lot of flak from liberals I've argued with for it. But I generally was opposed to the idea of "murdering babies", and blah blah blah, so I generally had a pro life position with some exceptions.

These modern pro lifers...don't do this. A big news story today is about idaho's GOP rejecting an amendment to their abortion law allowing for exceptions to the mother's health. And I'm going to be honest, this is freaking psychotic. This isn't it either though. We all know of the case of the 10 year old who was raped and has an incest baby not being able to get an abortion in ohio. That's literally the trifecta of "yeah this abortion is okay" for me, given at her age, merely giving birth is a significant risk to her health. But the GOP was against abortion in that instance.

To be fair, this isn't new. I remember a bunch of similar laws passing when the GOP took over congress in 2011. It's one of the huge things that drove me left in the first place. I started thinking, gee, you know what, this whole pro life thing is noble and a good idea, but if this is what these laws look like, I'm out. The government shouldn't govern like this. if it can't govern properly it shouldn't govern at all. I watched them pass laws back then forcing them to carry stillborn fetuses to term and other unnecessarily cruel things.

At the time, i thought that maybe they just didnt implement their policies properly. I mean, clearly you could craft a law with exceptions, but these guys aren't doing it, and maybe the language of putting these laws onto paper is tricky.

But no, these guys are literally going full on "no abortion for any reason."

It's sickening. 

Look, since then, I deconverted from christianity. I became unapologetically pro choice up through 24 weeks from a moral perspective. But honestly, even before that, you need to be a sick person to actually think this is okay. Or just, insanely brainwashed. Seriously. If you support this, wtf is wrong with you?! Do you have ANY humanity left? Even if you want to "save the babies", how the frick is this okay? Are you really willing to risk the mother's life over some freaking fetus? 

Seriously, as I said, I'm pretty much okay with abortion up through 24 weeks. I'm not as opposed to late term restrictions if they can be crafted properly to allow for proper exceptions. But given this is how the GOP operates, yeah no, I'm pro choice UNTIL BIRTH. For ANY reason. Because the GOP has proven they can't govern on this issue, and when they try, the result of horrifying. 


I mean, that's what happens when you misuse your legislative privileges. You make me more extreme against you. If you can't govern properly, don't govern at all. K thx bi.

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