Saturday, June 3, 2023

Dear SJWs: keep out of our fandoms

 A particularly annoying aspect of the culture war is the tendency for groups involved to start injecting themselves into the literal culture of the culture war. Not just culture in broader society, but media in general. I'm a libertarian, and being libertarian, I support freedom of speech, almost to a fault. I support freedom of speed firmly and unapologetically, and support the bare minimum intervention by regulatory authorities to dictate what is said to us. Authoritarians on the left and right LOVE to try to force peoples' speech to conform to their ideology. And yes, I am going to both sides this crap. The right is currently fighting a war on "wokeness" and trying to ban any discussion of critical theory in our education system and society at large, and that is wrong. But the SJWs also often love to inject themselves into speech and dictate that everything revolves around their theories too. And it's annoying. 

Yes yes, this has to do with Rammstein. Rammstein is the epitome of my ideas on free speech. They've always been a band that tends to be controversial. And they are so to many groups. Fundamentalist christians would have all kinds of things to say about the sexual nature of their songs, and how their music does not conform to christian doctrines. But SJWs as of late also have this problem with Rammstein, and seem to be trying to cancel the band, believing that Till Lindemann is a misogynist and that his music promotes "rape culture", whatever the frick that is (basically anything that goes against their ideas for how things should be). And it does seem like, with these new allegations against the band, that the SJW types have decided that Till Lindemann and Rammstein are the targets for the next front of the culture war and seem to be trying to "cancel" them.

And I'm just going to say it, anyone who thinks they can make me stop listening to Rammstein has another thing coming. I've been a fan of the band for almost 20 years, and as I said, their music has gotten me through some deep crap. I don't believe that they endorse the themes of the music they sing about, they just try to be edgy and sing about all kinds of dark crap. I've heard people compare till lindemann to a modern version of goethe. And yes, till sings about sex CONSTANTLY. As well as love, and heartbreak, and any theme related to sexuality imaginable. He also isn't afraid to cover really controversial topics, which is where he's getting in trouble as of late. People are comparing some of his newer works to the alleged behavior in the allegations, and moving past just criticizing him within the context of said allegations, but leveling criticism at his art. And in the process, many of these people want to cancel Rammstein and Till Lindemann in general, and to shame people into stop listening to and enjoying his stuff. Which is a major red line for me. If you know me in person, you'll know I'm basically literally obsessed with Rammstein. Like, being autistic they're a literal special interest for me. I listen to them hours a day at times, i watched their concerts, i have detailed opinions on all of their songs, and I'm very much enthusiastically into them. it's simply a part of my being, to the point that anyone who makes me choose between their friendship and me listening to the band is going to find themselves out on their butts and no longer my friend. No one tells me not to listen to them, no one. 

If you want to criticize him within the context of the allegations against him, go for it. I think that the allegations are seriously, and while I dont necessarily believe them between the original accuser destroying her own credibility as time goes on, and the media seemingly presenting other, newer accusations in a biased manner to generate controversy, but I think that they are worth discussing. Till is infamous for having wild sex parties and the like, and I think that the idea of something being systematically wrong at them, or till not necessarily acting properly at them is debatable. I've heard, prior to this year's accusations, mostly positive experiences and that the guy values consent and blah blah blah, but if that turns out to be untrue, well, then, throw the book at him. No one is above the law, not even my idols. 

But let's be straight here. This isn't for us peons to decide, with incomplete and biased information. This is force the courts to decide. But SJW types dont want to fight their battle in the courts, in the realms of needing to prove their accusations beyond a reasonable doubt. They want to fight their battles in the culture at large, on social media and regular media. They want to change minds, and influence hearts, and they want to make us believe hearsay and rumors, and when they doesn't work out for them, they want us to stop listening to their music because they don't like the themes in it. To which I tell them to kindly screw off. 

It's annoying. I'm starting to understand, as a gamer (yeah, im one of those too) why people were so hyped up over gamergate a decade ago. I mean, I'm not saying "gamers" were necessarily right on that one (it seemed like no one was right, honestly), and I'm not saying gaming doesn't have a very significant misogyny problem, but the SJWs just like to come in and tell us how we should act and how everything needs to revolve around them, and when they happens we should unceremoniously show them the door. 

And even worse with the rammstein fanbase. A lot of these SJWs are calling US misogynists and crap. And let's be honest, rammstein fans are some of the most chill people out there normally. We're quite progressive and socially libertarian. You kind of have to be open minded and not a prude to like Rammstein, to be perfectly honest. And we generally dont care what people do with their PPs. I cant speak for everyone here, but that's generally the impression I get. But then the weirdo SJWs are coming in and telling us we're misogynistic and need to be better allies and they're disappointed in us and how they can't listen to the band any more, and you know what I say? Leave. There's the door. 

The only controversy worth discussing in all honesty, as far as cancelling till lindemann and rammstein goes, are sexual assault allegations, and stuff like drink spiking. And if that stuff can't be substantiated, then the dude walks free. And even if he is proven guilty, i still aint gonna stop listening to his work. But beyond that, people are going beyond these allegations into attacking his work directly, and that's where I tend to have problems. My fandoms are not battlegrounds for your culture war nonsense. I'd much rather you get out and stop enjoying our crap, than remaining in our communities and telling us what we should enjoy, or how we should act, or blah blah blah. 

And even worse, for all the brigaders on reddit who come into our fandoms for the sole purpose of starting arguments and driving controversy, kindly screw off. You're not welcome in my humble opinion. Take your outrage over the situation back to your gossip subs and that crap. 

Yeah, I really ain't holding back. I'm getting sick and tired of this crap, and sick and tired of entertaining these whackos or giving them any breathing room. I'm just trying to unceremoniously show them the door.

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