Friday, September 15, 2023

Dear SJW's, stop attacking passive allies thing that irks me about SJWs is that it's often not enough that someone like me agrees with them, if I don't agree with them for the exact reasons they do, then I'm a bad person in their eyes.

I've discussed this issue with abortion in the past and how feminists will scream at me for not supporting abortion as a "woman's issue" but as an issue of reproductive freedom and liberty. But now I'm getting dragged over homosexuality. 

I'm old enough where to me, gay marriage being illegal and homosexuality stigmatized wasn't along ago. The tipping point in America on the issue was only around 10-11 years ago when I became a liberal. It was only legalized 8 years ago through court action. 

I myself have evolved with the issue as America did. I started out very much against gay marriage as a fundamentalist Christian who thought that homosexuality was immoral and that America was subject to God's law. But as I evolved I realized that yeah my own religious sentiments at the time were not sufficient grounds to ban the issue and that theres public morality that applies to everyone and private morality which applies to people who believe in it and that religious morality is private morality. Then as I shifted away from christianity, my private morality matched my public morality. 

And I can tell you that that is how the issue of gay marriage was won in America. My generation, millennials, were the tipping point. We just stopped caring. We realized we had gay friends, homosexuality shouldnt be stigmatized, it wasn't even our own business, but the business of people who engage in it, and that without an overriding public concern, there was no reason to ban it. So we became passively supportive of gay marriage, and the left won the day on the issue. 

This is how the left made progress in America. By shifting away from an ethos based in religious morality that made us care WAY too much about what other people wanna do with their lives, to an ethos of not caring in which one's sexuality is a personal thing and that it's none of our business what others do. 

That said, I find it irksome when suddenly I'm being shamed by some SJW zoomer who starts going on about how I'm a bad person for not caring about their super special identities. I once again got voter shamed about how I won't just vote for democrats because of their identity politics and blah blah blah, and again, my attitude is that that stuff is your right and prerogative, but don't expect me to care or go out of my way for it. He called me a selfish libertarian, a privileged POS, and some other things I shall not repeat here. 

And I just find this annoying. This is why I hate SJWs. It's not enough to just be a passive ally on these issues, they expect you to actively support their identity BS and that's where these guys lose support. I can tell you if these guys were commonplace 10-15 years ago, then these shifts would not have happened. Because these guys are alienating. But dont you dare tell them they're alienating or they'll shame you for that, as if their morality is the one objective correct response and that their behavior has nothing to do with winning people over.

People need to understand that others will support causes for not only the exact reasons they do, but also different ones. And that at the end of the day, in order to make progress and maintain it on issues, they need a coalition of people who can all come together and support the same things. But SJWs don't want that. They hate on people who are passive supporters of their causes and rip them for not being morally pure and supporting things for the exact same reasons THEY do. Which is ridiculous. Sometimes you gotta meet people where they are and make incremental progress on peoples' views. You cant just expect people to agree with you 100% and if they don't, they're evil. Especially if they support you 80-90% of the time or something. 

I just needed to vent on this. 

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