Thursday, February 13, 2025

Dear lefties, can we STOP letting these people be the face of our movement?

 So, Asmongold had a video today about about these SJW types at an LGBT related town hall that was cringe AF. he was reacting to this video of these like blue haired weirdos who obviously look like something is off from them claiming that they can't function like normal people and they need to be protected and blah blah blah.

And a former conservative, let me just tell you. Right wingers EAT THIS CRAP UP! Seriously. They think that this is what your average leftist looks like. And when we hear all this insufferable talk about throwing people under the bus and how we need to protect these underprivileged people, this is what people are thinking of. It's not endearing. it doesn't make people sympathetic. Your normie is like "wtf is up with you and why do you look like a literal clown? get your life together and stop asking the world to revolve around you." 

Like, really. Over the past 10 years, this social justice zeitgeist has taken over the left, and we have to constantly create these safe spaces to affirm peoples' identities and blah blah blah and just enable this kind of behavior, and anyone who pushes back at all is seen as a bad person. I myself have gotten modded on reddit before for pushing back against these kinds of people. it's insane. But if you dont, you get ripped on online, and you get treated like you're a right winger or something. 

As someone who ISNT a right winger, I just wanna say it. THIS IS WHY WE LOSE! Because people see these people and they know these are the people on the trolley tracks in the hypothetical trolley dilemma surrounding electoralism and people just aren't sympathetic. They're like idk wtf is wrong with you, but we gotta stop enabling it and you need to get your life together. You know?

I'm all for trying to increase freedom, give people the ability to live as they want. I know people like this arent bad people and wanna just live their lives, but what they need to stop asking is that everyone else take time out of their day to accommodate then. That's generally the amount of freedom people tolerate in society. Youre free to do whatever, until it affects them. When you ask people to drop what they're doing to affirm these people and protect them from big bad Trump...they'll just let trump have them. They don't care. Freedom is the default in american society until it inconveniences people.

Which is why, if you wanna increase freedom, like I do, you need to frame it in a way to make it in peoples' interests. And to do a UBI tangent, this is why i like UBI. No one likes conditional welfare they dont benefit from. The average american is like "my tax dollars are going to that? cut that crap", which is how republicans have won from the 1980s onward. You need to frame it in a way where THEY benefit too, which is why i have UBI plans that benefit a good 70-80% of the population. That's how you build a coalition. You DON'T build it by expecting everyone to take time out of their days to care about...people like that. It's a political loser, it's a failure. 

Honestly, i dont care what people do with their lives. I dont think most people care what others do with their lives. Just keep them out of it. SJWs have a bad habit of imposing their crap on everyone else and getting mad when people obviously don't give a crap about it. And even worse, because the screeching SJW is the exact opposite of endearing, people start to take pleasure in these people suffering. And this is how trump win elections. 

So yeah. Can we drop this cursed ideology and cursed framing of issues now? People will act like the mere suggestion of the world not revolving around these people is "throwing them under the bus", but in reality, the worst thing you can do for them is to enable them to this extent, because when a lot of people go to polls, and they think about liberals, they're thinking about people like this. And that's not a good look for us. Sorry, it isn't. I'm not gonna agree with the right on a lot, but again, I'm a former right winger. I know how they think. And I know that this stuff isn't endearing to people.

The last thing I want, when people think about voting for democrats, is this. Because it's an electoral loser, and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.

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