Monday, February 17, 2025 do realize religion is part of "the matrix" right?

Okay, so I ended up finding something about Dero Goi and his descent into right wing christian extremism in recent years. Well, I decided to look up what he was up to musically. I always liked oomph somewhat, but his extremism caused him to break up with the band and go his own way. I found out he did some solo stuff, and came across this music video called "1984", which tries to portray society in a dystopian fashion where everyone has to obey. Now, I've previously likened modern society and its belief system as "the matrix", an illusory reality (similar to "Plato's Cave") in which most people just blindly go with the flow and don't realize how brainwashed they really are. I kinda touched on this today with my rant about being intelligent in a society where...most aren't. 

Dero has the same idea here, but his dystopia is a bit different. He sees a society where people have to "consume" and "obey" and the like, but he approaches it from the right. Given his political trajectory, I think he buys into a lot of delusions about the COVID thing being a dystopian coup to control people, and how being asked to *checks notes* wear masks and not work for a year is the equivalent of...well....1984. 

He also seems to portray religion as the solution to the problem, with christian themes underlying it, and the little girl at the end being in a field holding a bible. Kinda makes me wanna throw up as it gives me RFK supporter vibes, you know, right wing and thinking big pharma and society bad and "natural" stuff good? yeah. 

Anyway. I'll bite. 

Look, given my own ideological journey, and how i CAME FROM religion and left me when I say it, religion isn't the solution to everything. Religion IS the matrix. It is the belief system that keeps people dumbed down. It's, as Karl Marx would say, the opium of the masses. What dulls their pain and makes them complicit in the face of great injustice, as many would prefer to overlook the obvious problems with this world to get people focused on the next. Leaving religion actually FREED me. And is the basis of my own modern ideology, including my views on capitalism and consumerism. I admit, that stuff is like a prison, BUT...let's face it, it isn't religion that is the solution to that. if anything, christian extremism of the kind that dero is involved in is one of the greatest sources of evil in modern western industrial society today. It drives people to the same batcrap insane ideology that goi is promoting here. 

Look, I'm gonna be real with you. Vaccines are not about control. They are not some mark of the beast or something. They are literally scientific breakthroughs which prevent diseases. The reason society pushed them was so people wouldnt get as sick from covid and could return to work. Our society is work obsessed. As much as the right acted like us trying to stop people working was some dystopian communist plot (as the literal anti work guy I can assure you that it wasn't), really, the ONLY reason they allowed us to stop temporarily was because YEAH, the disease really was that bad. THese weird persecution fantasies the right comes up with are pure delusion. I'm not going to deny that there are powerful forces that keep society the way it is, and that some elements of modern society are evil, BUT....let's face it, the evil comes from the same wealthy elites who afterwards wanted to send people back to work, and are trying to claw back work from home schemes. They're the same people who were saying in 2020 when sane people closed everything down that we shouldnt be afraid of sacrificing the elderly and the sick for the sake of the economy. THOSE are the real evil psychopaths. And those guys wield religion as a tool to brainwash, quite frankly, ignorant people, into their worldview. 

The likes of dero goi are NOT enlightened. They are insane. They dont seem to realize that they are the ones plugged into the matrix with the VR headsets on, not us. It's baffling to see how right wingers view the world sometimes, but as an ex right winger, i also kinda understand it. it is kind of interesting, if only for opposition researtch, and i dont think these weird beliefs are that uncommon. If anything, I think they're one of the reasons the dems lost in 2024. A lot of people are actually convinced that the experts who believe in vaccines, in masks, in shutdowns, that we're the bad guys. We're not. We're literally just following the science. You know, that thing you guys reject because you're religious nutjobs. I know it was a long time ago now, like 20 years, but uh....i learned about CHRISTIAN school back then. And now people dont even believe in that crap. We're becoming idiocracy. It's baffling to me. It was bad back then but we've gotten so much dumber since then. It baffles me. 

EDIT: And now I'm onto "Clickbait", which is about tiktok. IN one part of the song he says "idiocracy is real."

Look, I'm not gonna say tiktok is good and great, but it's not as harmful as people act like it is. It's just entertainment. And when it meets politics, a lot of tiktok is informative. Like a lot of the free palestine people got their views from tiktok and saw actual news events unfold in real time involving the IDF massacuring civilians. And while we can question the chinese ownership and associated algorithms pushing content for selective outrage, let's be honest, it's like old people ALWAYS crap on young peoples' media, no matter what it is. 20 years ago, it was harry potter being demonic, pokemon cards teaching evolution, and violent video games corrupting the youth, and myspace and facebook having the same effects that tiktok has today.

Before that it was all that dumb tv dumbing down gen X. And rock music dumbing down the boomers. it's a tale as old as time. You get older than say, 45-50 and suddenly youre so out of touch with the youth that you crap on their media. 

And sadly, a lot of this stuff seems to come most from religious extremists. And here's why. They are literally in an ideological, cultural, and information war with the world. They literally think they are fighting satan himself with attacking this crap. if they had their way, we would only be allowed christian sources of media that explicitly promote that view. They literally think anything else is delusion and a mental trick by satan that has been played on the world. I'm NOT kidding. I WAS indoctrinated into this stuff at one point. I LEFT it. These guys are NUTS and delusional. They are the deceived telling everyone else that they're really the deceived ones. Again, this is crazy crap. I'm not kidding, I'm not making it up. These people actually believe this stuff. These are the guys who will say the dinosaur bones were put there by satan.  And yes, some Christians really believe that. Not all of them. I really dont wanna act like ALL christians are insane. They're not. But the fundies absolutely are. Dero Goi is in those traditions now, and his work is pushing this extremist worldview.

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