Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Let me say something good about capitalism for once (7/3/16)

Okay, we all know at this point I make a punching bag of capitalism on this blog. I think it’s a flawed system. Yet, at the same time, it has a lot of benefits. You know, as a society, we really do have a crapton of stuff. I mean, it’s mind boggling how many different goods and services the processes of capitalism end up producing. It gives consumers, in a lot of different markets, a staggering amount of choice and freedom. I cannot see another system able to produce the amounts of goods and services and give people the choice and the freedom to choose between them as we have in capitalism. I mean, really, it’s great. Centralized planning would not be able to give way to the sheer amount of innovation and choice that we see in a lot of markets.

I mean, even though I think capitalism is a crappy system on the labor side of things, it’s a great system on the consumer side, given you have the funds to afford things. I just wish the distribution of the wealth to participate in this system were distributed more fairly, and that participation in the labor end of the market were more voluntary. Maybe have workplaces be a bit more democratic too (the one form of “socialism” I can get behind).

That being said, here’s to capitalism. It’s not a perfect system. We have work to do to perfect it, but really, it produces a lot of awesome things and gives people a crapton of choice in what goods and services to get, in a lot of ways. Way more than you would get under a more centrally planned system.

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