Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Dear conservatives, there's no trick, get the freaking shot

 So recently Breitbart came out and said that liberals are killing conservatives via reverse psychology. Essentially they think that because we libs like to mandate vaccines, that we're basically tricking conservatives into not getting it because conservatives interpret everything liberals do and do the opposite. So the liberals are all getting vaccinated, and conservatives aren't getting vaccinated, and conservatives are dying from attrition via natural selection as a result.


Okay, look, there is no grand conspiracy here. Well, there is, but I'll explain it in a minute, using my conflict theory critique of capitalism and pandemics. But there's no pandemic here to kill conservatives.

You guys (conservatives) are the one politicizing EVERYTHING. You guys were the ones last year, when liberals wanted to shut the economy down and make people wear masks, who stormed state capitols claiming we were oppressing your rights to work. How we were imposing "communism" on you by giving you free money. I mean, dude, DUDE. I literally support government money, and people working less, and even I wouldn't MANDATE that stuff for good reason, because im libertarian enough where I want people to do what they want. But, when there's a deadly pandemic, yeah, we kinda gotta shut stuff down to avoid transmission of the disease, and flatten the curve, so hospitals arent overwhelmed with covid patients, kind of like they are right now, because you morons won't get vaccinated. 

The real deep state conspiracy, is that all along, capitalism hates shut downs. The rich hate shut downs, and shut downs compromise our typical neurotypical, extraverted way of life of working and sending kids to school while we work and growing that GDP. The real conspiracy has been trying to keep stuff open and force stuff open when it's unsafe to grow that GDP. In 2020, that debate was real, should we shut down and keep people safe, or keep things open and let people die? And of course you guys chose the psychotic answer to that question. Yeah, I remember Greg Abbott in Texas talking about sacrificing the elderly for the economy. Jesus christ people, you guys are monsters. Like full stop, I'm not even sugar coating it. If you think like this, screw you guys. 

But in 2021, the dilemma was solved. Now there's a highly effective vaccine for the deadly virus killing people. If everyone took it, it would probably eradicate the disease, kind of like how we eradicated smallpox and polio back in the day. AND YALL MOTHERFRICKERS WON'T TAKE IT!

There's no reverse psychology here. I don't do that grade school crap. And we libs are serious about this stuff. Get. The. Shot. We're trying to STOP you from offing yourselves. At this point, you're extending this pandemic, we're once again seeing hospitals overwhelmed, where now people who need care for other things can't get it because the hospitals are flooded with COVID patients, when probably 95% of these cases and deaths are completely unnecessary. Because a vaccine exists. 

The problem is with YOU. It's with YOU guys deciding to play these infantile games of "now I'm not doing it" when we're trying to help you. And I guess I KIND of get it. I mean, libs can be insufferable at times. I won't vote for them half the time because of that. I'm actually an independent at this point and while I'm closer to the democrats, I hate both sides. But that's the thing. I don't operate on such an extreme level of spite I'll let myself die from a virus just to own the libs. Will i refuse to vote for Biden or Hillary or whatever other crap candidates they try to force on me? Sure. I get that they're abrasive and insufferable and a bit too forceful. But seriously though. In this case there's nothing nefarious here. WE. ARE. TRYING. TO. HELP. YOU.

Seriously, I'm too autistic for these infantile reverse psychology games. We aspies are a brutally honest bunch, and I know that based on psychology this might not even convince you guys to get the shot because people don't like being treated as stupid. But that's kind of the thing. I'm so freaking autistic I dont care about modifying my message to pull high level psychology games on you guys to trick you into doing anything. I say what I mean and mean what I say, and I'm telling you to get the shot. I'm also calling you dumb for not getting it, and don't give a crap how offended you are over that. Because it's dumb. Haven't you guys taken high school biology or history? Jesus Christ, people.

Speaking of Jesus Christ, you right wingers like the Bible right? Okay, let's put this in Bible terms. You familiar with the ten plagues, and Moses and crap right? Okay, you know how with the 10th plague of killing all the firstborn children, how God told the Hebrews to put lambs blood above their doors so the angel of death wouldn't deep six their kids, right? Okay, well, let me put it this way, the vaccine is like lambs blood. Dont put literal lambs blood on your door, but take the vaccine, which has the same effect of causing the deadly plague to NOT KILL YOU.

Or to go further, you guys realize most of those arcane old testament rules about what to eat and what not to eat, and how about no one with imperfections or diseases were allowed near the temple were all early attempts at establishing rules to prevent diseases right? Yeah, Leviticus was basically one of the world's first attempts to establish social distancing. And while those rules seem stupid now, as we've become so much more advanced, sometimes you guys need to go back to that stuff to understand why in a modern context we libs want to do things like keep stores and schools closed if they're not essential, or why we wanna keep you unvaccinated people away from the public square, or why we should all wear pieces of cloth over your mouth. Same effect. 

Now, I don't follow the Bible as a holy text. I've been a proud ex Christian for 9 years and have no plans on ever going back to that. But I know some of you guys tend to be into that stuff, and given how I'm an ex religious conservative, yeah, maybe, just maybe, I need to use that logic to get through to you guys. Maybe, just maybe you'll understand, if I speak to you in those terms.

Like seriously, it's so obvious. if I were still conservative, I'd get the vaccine. And being on the left, I definitely get it. What's wrong with modern conservatives? I might hate the right these days, but at least when I left you guys had a set of principles. I might disagree with them, but it seems like all that went out the window with Trump. You guys were crazy before, but it was a form of craziness I could kind of understand. Now you guys just seem to be into cults of personality and believe in more misinformation than you ever did. And why the heck to evangelicals like Trump anyway? If I were conservative I'd think that dude was the freaking anti Christ or something. 

Really. I don't get you guys these days. Maybe it's because I've grown up and have gone in my own direction, but I just don't get it anymore. How can you guys be so misinformed to not get a life saving vaccine? It isn't an us problem, it's a you problem, and you guys better figure it out before the democrats turn full on conservative from all the sane people leaving your party and joining theirs. Which is, by the way, a huge reason I'm not a democrat any more either. I didn't leave the GOP to have to deal with those same conservatives years later because you guys crapped the bed so hard you're convincing all the smart people to leave your party en masse. I hate politics these days. This is why I vote third party and retreat into just focusing on UBI and M4A advocacy. It's such a crapshow these days.

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