Thursday, September 23, 2021

Discussing immigration and the whole whipping Haitians thing

 So, as some may already know, the border patrol was caught whipping Haitian refugees on camera. *sigh*, does anyone want to remind me who is president again? This is something I would expect to happen under Trump. Oh wait, it's Biden? Wow. Snarky sidenote to the neolibs, never EVER speak to me about kids in cages again.

Seriously, this video is about 1 step away from the border patrols having exaggerated southern accents screaming "here (repeat racial slur 3 times)". Seriously, what the actual fudge? One of them said that "this is why your country is ****". Seriously? SERIOUSLY? Under a democratic administration? Wow.

That guy should be fired immediately. I know there's a lot of systemic racism in policing, and I know that a lot of would be racist tough guys literally get into the job specifically to hassle minorities, and I could see that happening here. Give this guy some authority and suddenly he's treading on poor migrants. There should be zero tolerance toward stuff like that. Totally unprofessional. Reminds me of a comic book bad guy in terms of levels of racism there. Should be fired yesterday.

I mean, I'm gonna be honest. I'm not super pro open borders. I don't even have solid answers for what I would like to happen here. I kind of believe in most cases that people trying to come in illegally should be turned back. And I know that sometimes the sausage making of that process isn't always pleasant. But could we have a bit less "Deliverance" in our border enforcement policy, PLEASE? I mean again this is just one step from going back to the 1870s with the KKK riding around on horseback acting...pretty similar to this. We should at least try to treat migrants, you know, humanely and in a not racist way. I'm not saying we should let everyone in, I admit we need some form of border enforcement because I don't believe open borders is compatible with my vision of a social safety net. But come on we can do better than...this. 

Even then, given these are refugees some would argue, on sound legal ground if I might add, that they should be let in. And let's be honest, I'm not super duper like ANTI immigrant, I mean my default position on this stuff is people should be free to do what they want as long as they don't harm others, so I have nothing against people coming in given the reasons most seem against immigration, again, my entire stance is based on preserving my economic ideology. So take that as you will. Obviously I'm not xenophobic or against all immigration, I mean you can twist my arm with reason and facts to convince me in individual circumstances to be for letting people in. It's not a firm position of mine. So, I don't know. At the very minimum, I feel like how Biden is handling this situation is very poor and democrats are like the worst of both worlds. Trumpian foreign policy while somehow convincing themselves and others of their perceived moral superiority over the Trumpers in an insufferable way. Yeah, like your crap doesn't stink. For as "racist" as I get accused of being, yeah, you guys are way more racist than I am, just saying.

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