Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Trump should be in jail it came out that there's a 7 hour gap in communications during January 6th in the Trump White House. This is very problematic. This is similar to what happened in Watergate, where 18 minutes in the presidential record were missing. But 7 HOURS?! On the day of Trump trying to enact a coup in the US? It's crazy, man. it's crazy. It baffles me this guy isn't in jail. He wants to run again, and he could win, simply between his idiot fanbase blindly following him and democrats being unpopular because they suck. This guy is a disgrace. Seriously, I tried to kind of give him the benefit of the doubt, and treat him like a moron, but seriously, this guy tried to overturn an election in order to seize another term. Imagine what he might get away with if he is in power again. 

Anyway, the 7 hour gap is important because it shows that he either deleted the records during that time, or was using a burner phone of sorts. We know he was "ecstatic" when it was going on, which was problematic. And we know the national guard response was delayed several hours that day. All in all, it seems like Trump and his loyalists were trying to make the coup happen. 

This should never be seen as acceptable. I can tolerate Trump being an idiot. I don't like it, but honestly my opinion of the GOP is so low that as far as I see, people get what they voted for. But this dude literally tried to overthrow an election.

When i was growing up, the right was always screaming about executive overreach in office. Any time Obama did everything ever, people screamed about it. And even during Bush, while most republicans supported executive overreach for "national security purposes", that crap became more and more questioned, including within the republican party, as his presidency went on. With the tea party not just being a blacklash against Obama, but also a wholesale rejection of the Bush administration and his authoritarian approach on foreign policy and national security. 

Now the GOP seems to be enabling a literal wannabe dictator. Someone who aspires to be like Putin or Kim Jong Un. And the scary thing is he actually made a pass at trying to pull it off. 

Again, this guy should be tried to the fullest extent of law and be barred from ever running again. He presents a unique threat to the country, even more so than other conservatives. And I hate to say it, but i MIGHT actually have to back Biden up if this joker DOES run again. I'm not sure, I'll have to think about it as lesser evil voting goes against my principles, but if the alternative is someone who is an existential threat to the country and that this characterization of events is NOT being hyperbolic? Eh, I might have to do it just this one to preserve the union. Who knows.

I'll have to see how 2024 plays out.

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