Sunday, December 11, 2016

Okay, I'm tired of people talking like America isn't ready for a female president

An annoying line I'm seeing is this idea that America isn't ready for a female president. This is something I see a lot from the sanctimonious feminism crowd. Some people are interpreting Clinton's loss as a sign that America is just too darned sexist for a woman president and that that's why people would take such an incompetent candidate like Trump over Clinton.

As I've said for my own voting habits, I don't think it's that America isn't ready. I think people just didn't want Hillary. She was an awful candidate. She ran a status quo campaign during an anti status quo election year and alienated large swaths of the country. She was scandal ridden, and fundamentally flawed. This is not a sign America is sexist. I believe if she ran in 2008 against McCain she would have won then. And I believe a stronger female candidate could've easily won.

I mean, if we can elect a black dude with a Muslim sounding name 7 years after 9/11 and 5 years after the invasion of Iraq, we can elect a woman. Obama dealt with way more legitimate racism than Clinton experienced sexism this year. The most sexist things that happened to Clinton this year outside of the obvious air heads who always exist are jokes about how she couldn't satisfy Bill. Meanwhile Obama had to deal with crap like the whole birther movement, which persisted several years after his election. He had to deal with his ties to radical black preachers like Reverend Wright. He had to deal with constant accusations of communism and, combined with said religious ties, accusations of supporting "liberation theology" and that he wanted to destroy America to bolster the third world. He faced all kinds of slander for his heritage, mostly imagined, and STILL WON. TWICE.

Yet America is too sexist to support an unpopular candidate like Hillary? The problem with Hillary was Hillary. And the obnoxious toxic brand of feminism her supporters touted was the biggest liability in relation to her womanhood. The fact that pushing the fact that she was a woman every 5 seconds was a much bigger problem than the fact that she was a woman, and even that would've been inconsequential if she were actually a good candidate. But she wasn't.

America is ready for a woman president. You just need to run a woman worth voting for, and Clinton wasn't it. 92% of people claim they are willing to support a female president, which is the identical number to a black president (and once again, Obama won TWICE). A woman president has an easy time compared to an evangelical Christian like George W. Bush (73%). And you know what? Someone with my views are among the least popular of all. Only 58% would support an atheist. And while I tend to associate more with social democracy, I do flirt with mild forms of socialism like the concept of workplace democracy/worker coops. Only 47% of Americans would support a socialist. Im not trying to make this about me, but let's be honest, at least in terms of electability, someone like Clinton is very privileged. Her womanhood is not a major reason that she lost. America is overwhelmingly ready for a female president, it was just that Clinton wasn't the right person to the job.

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