Sunday, December 11, 2016

Trump's too smart for that learning crap now

This guy is bafflingly stupid. I mean, what the actual fudge? Now Trump is saying he doesn't need to attend intelligence meetings every day because he's smart. I can kind of understand how they can get monotonous, but what the heck? Keeping up on developments is important because you kinda needs to do that to do the job effectively. Between this and ditching the press to go to a New York steakhouse, he's one of the laziest presidents I've seen. And while I don't necessarily resent someone for not wanting their life to revolve around their job 24/7, this is one job that really does require a go getter.

Let me say a little bit about intelligence. The most well informed people are the ones who actually do apply themselves. The ones who do read the news, or the scientific articles in their field, or, if you're president, attend intelligence briefings. Knowledge is power, and you kind of need to research things to understand what's really going on. Until then, you're just a dude who is shooting his mouth off without having a clue what he's talking about. Which sums up Trump perfectly. The guy has dunning kruger syndrome. He thinks he's way smarter than he actually is.

Once again, the only solace I take in the fact that this buffoon is president is the fact that he will likely tear down the republican party with him. Between the radical far right agenda in congress and his sheer incompetence and ineptitude for the job, Trump may very well be the end of the modern republican party. They've been going in a radical right wing and anti intellectual direction for a while and now they're getting exactly what they wished for.

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