Sunday, July 23, 2023

Barbie vs Oppenheimer, who gives a crap?

 So, this has become a very weird culture war moment, but I see a lot of people are starting to fight over the barbie movie vs the oppenheimer movie. Both are in theaters, I can't say I have a particular interest in either, but if I were going to watch one, I'd probably go with oppenheimer. Either way, I really don't care to see either. 

I just dont understand why people are fighting over this. if you wanna see a barbie movie, I mean, go for it maybe? Not my thing but i dont crap on other people for their tastes. Same with oppenheimer. 

To be fair, after I heard ben shapiro decided to light a trash can on fire with a bunch of barbie dolls in it, I decided to check out his nearly hour long review to see what all the hype is about. it does seem a lot more political, with a lot more emphasis on identity politics and feminism and blah blah blah, but at the same time, this IS ben shapiro, the political commentator, and who knows how much of his own biases he really injects into it. If he's correct, it sounds nightmarishly bad, like "velma" level bad, but who knows. Conservatives freak out whenever there's a trans person in a video game, even a highly unrealistic fictional one, so yeah. Take that with a grain of salt. 

Honestly, I can't be bothered to really look more into this than that. After listening to Ben Shapiro rant about it for 42 minutes I feel like I literally lost some brain cells, and must neuralize myself MIB style in order to forget that whole mess ever happened, but yeah. Idk, I mean, I guess it sucks, if it's just this massive political thing about the patriarchy and how men suck and blah blah blah. But whatever. Even if it is, I mean, the people who have a stick up you know where over Rammstein right now need entertainment too, so this sounds right up their alley. They can enjoy their crap, and I can enjoy mine. Let's just leave it at that. 

Watch what media interests you, and don't watch what media doesn't. That's all I'm gonna say. That's all that needs to be said.

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