Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Discussing Vaush's takes on voting more

 So I watched more of that video that I referenced in tonight's earlier post on this topic, and I can't help but cringe. Vaush..has bad takes sometimes. Let me put it that way. And on this issue, he's so laughably wrong its pathetic.

Like, Kyle mentioned, yeah if you live in a safe blue state, you can vote green since it wont matter, you only need to worry in a safe state. But he thinks even ina  safe state you MUST vote blue to "repudiate the fascists" or something. He also came out categorically against principled voting. WHich is...cringe.

I really dont like caving to "pragmatism" at all honestly. Im full on a principled voter. The only reasons im caving this time are 1) we're dealing with an illiberal psychopath who is a literal threat to democracy itself as an alternative, 2) Biden actually has acted partially in accordance with my principles, and 3) given what my principles actually are, alternatives to Biden are NOT worth a protest vote. As such, Im currently satiated enough to lean toward a biden vote in the general at this time. 

But let's not act like that is a massive betrayal to my principles, it is not, for reasons I stated. Vaush, however, is like the anti me on politics. Seriously, outside of ukraine and foreign policy, vaush's takes on issues are complete and utter garbage. And he is so anti third party votes he seems to think even if you live in like NY or CA, you should just vote dems because "ermahgerd fascism." 

Never mind his definition of fascist is overly broad and any rightoid is a fascist in his mind. Vaush, being an SJW leftist, seems to treat politics as this ever constant battle against the forces of "fascism" and everyone must fall in line with his views or else. With me, I define it more narrowly as "yo, this trump guy LITERALLY wants to overturn elections, and desantis is doing crazy authoritarian things in florida that scare me immensely." Most right wingers, outside of the most zealous trumpers, are not fascists. They just have different opinions, for better or for worse, and while i think their opinions are garbage, I'm willing to respect their right to think differently than me, and if my side loses, oh well theres always next time, right? The problem only comes when the candidate is dangerous enough there's no such thing as next time. Trump is at that point, desantis is edging that way, and yeah, I would say we should try to stop them. BUT....if youre in a safe state and you wanna go green, bruh, just go green. Why is this even an issue? Because Vaush is, himself, an SJW leftist who cant seem to recognize other peoples' opinions. In his mind, and he's said this before, possibly in jest, either you agree with him or you're wrong. There's in between with the guy. 

I might make such gestures in jest too on occasion, but in all honesty? Agree to disagree. Thats supposed to be a point of liberal democracy. That we can disagree, and you can still not be evil. Even if we see each other that way in election time, it's like, okay, they won this time, we gotta try harder next time and see what went wrong and fix it. And I honestly think most people should be given the benefit of the doubt. But these illiberal people on BOTH sides of the aisle scare me. Yes, I have a strong dislike for trumpers, especially the illiberal fascist types who wanna just abolish elections to elect their god emperor for life, but the SJWs also seem hostile toward any wrong think and wanna suppress anyone who dares disagree with them too. I might agree more with the left in principle, but let's call a spade a spade, the fact that so many leftists are so illiberal and willing to force their ideas on others scares me too. Hence why ive rejected BOTH of these camps. 

Honestly, I just wanna reclaim that pre 2016 ethos on culture war issues where we at least recognize some level of liberal democracy and respect others, even if we have severe disagreements. Idk, I'm starting to sound like Andrew Yang gushing with Miles Taylor on his podcast, but they do kinda have a point. At least culturally, we do need to go back to some sane center where disagreement and dissent is tolerated and we can still respect each other at the end of the day. 

As such, i reject vaush's horrible takes on this situation. For me, trump is a special case, not all rightoids are fascists, and you should ultimately vote in line with your ideals, not just mindlessly support the lesser evil because everything i dont like is "fascism." 

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