Wednesday, July 26, 2023

You can't force people to care (v2.0)

 So, I once wrote an article called "you can't force someone to care" but it had a lot of extraneous information that made it kinda cringey to share, so I want to simplify it with a new article aimed at discussing the same thing.

So, as we know, SJWs are obsessed with caring and empathy, to the point that it comes off like an obnoxious circlejerk. They found a set of issues that they really want to focus on, and they try, via rather forceful means, to try to force people to care. They virtue signal their empathy, going on about how much they care, while shaming others who don't. And I'm going to be blunt, I DON'T CARE, AND I'M NOT AFRAID TO SAY IT. 

As I see it, people have limited amounts of empathy. They only have so many craps to give before they're out, and when they're out, well, people stop caring. It's even worse, being autistic. I have hyper fixations on certain subjects, but outside of those subjects, I'm rather apathetic about things. And if I have any hyper fixation with SJWs, it's in opposing them and their ways, not in advancing their causes. Often because when they intersect with my special interests, it's in a way that's generally negative. 

Take the 2016 and 2020 primaries. My primary focus was on economic progressivism and advancing UBI, Medicare for all, and other such policies. The result? These guys came in, called me a bernie bro, called me sexist for not wanting to vote for hillary, and pulled this blue no matter who voter shaming crap with me that just drove me to the green party. They also virtue signalled hard going on about the black vote and blah blah blah. Everything was identity politics, and I was expected to just drop what I was doing to focus on THEIR stuff. Which was NEVER gonna happen. it just had a backfire effect that pushed me away from them.

A more recent example is the Rammstein controversy and how sexual assault accusations end up leading to me responding negatively to their crap. They expect me to give up the band, stop listening to the music, stop going to concerts, stop enjoying their stuff, and join them in condemning the man who almost single handedly kept me sane through my darkest days. I mean, unless the accusations were grave, and demonstrably true, there was no way that that was gonna happen. Instead we got blatantly false accusations that fell through, and vague accusations that lack context and evidence that were spun in the worst possible light ever, and we were to join the mob against the band because we  must dogmatically "believe all women." I don't ever wanna hear cancel culture doesn't exist ever again because after this crap, anyone who believes that is just delusional. And we STILL got people coming into pro Rammstein spaces calling us sexist and misogynist and horrible people for daring to defend the band, and it's like, ya know what? Screw off. We don't want you here, we dont believe the accusations, we want to enjoy the stuff we like, leave us alone. But once again, these guys can't take no for an answer, either you drop what you're doing to join them or you're the enemy. Yeah, they can kindly screw off. 

Look, if you really wanna know how I feel about social justice causes, I'd probably say I'm kinda mixed on them. Sometimes I am sympathetic. I do believe there is academic support for their arguments, and I do think that we could make some changes to improve things without negatively impacting others at times or implementing some level of unfairness. 

However, the problem is, I do believe most of the progress that can be easily or reasonably done has been achieved, and we're getting to the point the arguments are becoming more and more abstract and the changes required become more and more costly for society. Sure, who doesn't want to live in a world where racism, sexism, and whatever phobia doesn't exist? But should we really sacrifice freedom of speech to get there? Start attacking people for thought crimes or merely stating their honest opinions? Should we "hold men accountable" by having them face trial by mob rather than trial by jury in the court of law? Should we have affirmative action and quotas to act as a form of reverse discrimination to get the "correct results" about crap? A lot of these solutions go against a lot of principles of western democracies like freedom of speech, or presumption of innocence, or equal treatment under the law. They just wanna throw these principles out the window in order to get their way. It's like, they dont know what they're doing. I used to be conservative and one of the reasons why was because I was afraid to change that which i didnt understand and defaulted to keeping things as they were. it wasn't until i got older and was able to you know, analyze policy, that I was able to actually comprehend if these policies are good or bad things. And honestly, I think a lot of changes SJWs want are too extreme for the kind of society I'd rather live in. It's like they want to rewrite social relations between groups in ways that are extremely burdensome for so called privileged groups, and then they shame us when we don't agree to it, when in reality, we don't care.

And I'm not afraid to admit it. I'm white, I'm male, I'm straight, I'm cis, and I literally don't give a crap. Some might call me MLK's "white liberal" but after all of this I'm thinking of just wearing that label as a badge of honor. They do it to shame us, claiming we're complicit, and blah blah blah, when in reality, again, I have limited mental bandwidth, I dont generally like to dictate large amounts of it to these topics, and when I do, it's generally because these guys are peeing in my cornflakes in a way where they're picking a fight with me surroundinga topic that actually is more dear to my heart.

By the way, the "I dont care" thing goes both ways. A huge reason im a libertarian is because I eventually grew up to a point that I dont care what other people do with their lives, if it doesn't affect me, I don't care. I dont think they should be punished for it. I dont believe in victimless crimes or trying to impose morality on people. I believe in live and let live. As such, I'm sympathetic to the marginalized groups on a lot of hot button issues because I just dont care and want people to live as they want. I used to care oh so much about abortion, gay marriage, blah blah blah, for "moral" reasons. But as I matured, I stopped caring. Because I don't care what other people do with their bodies and lives. if they're not hurting anyone and minding their own business, I can't be bothered. 

This is why I'm both socially liberal, while also anti SJW. Because I tend to go against whomever decides to be an overbearing authoritarian trying to impose their morality on others. When it's the right, I have issues with them. When it's the left, I also have issues with them. The point is, if you start going after me and reducing my freedom and trying to impose your morals on me, I'm going to have issues with you, regardless of your ideology. Because I wanna do my own thing, advocate for what I wanna advocate for, and if someone tells me I'm wrong and need to get with the program (their program), they can screw right off. 

I think it's a simple and effective ethos to live your life by. And in politics, this means that given the coalitional nature of things, there's going to be a lot of vote trading or issue trading. Like, political coalitions are based on different diverse groups of people with different diverse interests. On the right, you have the religious right, the fiscally conservative rich people, the libertarians, and all of them walk away with something. On the left, it should work the same way, you got the SJWs, the moderates, the progressives, and all of these groups want stuff. The job of a political party is to unite all of these groups under a common banner and make them happy enough to continue to support the coalition. And a huge reason I tried to work with SJWs in the past was because I thought if they got some of what they wanted, I could get some of what I wanted too. But instead, they'd rather just beat me over the head with their stuff, and try to bully me out of supporting my stuff. At which point I tell these people to kindly screw off. 

Again, limited bandwidth. And I just don't care. And that's the thing. You guys have no power over me. You can't make me care. You cant shame me to care. And I want to structure society in such a way where you guys have no leverage to force people to do anything. It's like the dude in the lord of the rings, "you have no power here." If you wanna reach me, you gotta appeal to me on my terms. if you refuse to do that, all of the moral shaming in the world will not only not make me care, it will make me double down and be less sympathetic to the point I eventually get outright hostile to your cause. You might think that's immature and juvenile and try to shame me going on about what a "mature adult" you are, but yeah, you can screw off with that too. Just more obnoxious virtue signalling. 

The fact is, people just have to come to terms with the fact, that people just have diverse interests and think differently. Generally speaking it's better if groups live and let live and respect those differences as much as possible. The problem with SJW types is they can't respect that, they're radicals who try to force people to care, bully them, and insist on black and white "with us or against us" attitudes, and rather than expecting give and take from others with different opinions like you'd normally have happen in political alliances, they just expect people to bow down to them and give up all of their concerns on the altar of white male liberal guilt. Which I personally find objectionable. So I won't be doing it. Because I only have so much mental bandwidth and so many craps to give. And as it turns out, I'm kind of fresh out at this point. So yeah, you can't force people to care, expecting people, especially autistic people, to expend mental bandwidth on something they don't care about is problematic, and a lot of people just aren't going to do it, because it's not something we're able to realistically do and be authentic to ourselves. It's just another mask to put on, and I'm one of those autistic people who hate masking. I'd rather be who I am up front and not care what people think.

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