Saturday, July 29, 2023

Responding to Shelby Lynn's speech at Frauen 100

 So, I've been trying to avoid using her name for her own privacy, but because she wants to make a public spectacle of herself, I'll bite. Shelby Lynn, the original accuser of sexual assault against Rammstein, gave a speech recently at the Frauen 100 feminist gathering in Berlin. 

Before I get into the speech itself, let me just give my brutally honest thoughts on Lynn. SHE'S NOT A VICTIM! She admitted herself that till did not touch her, and most of her allegations came down to the idea that was she drugged so she would not say no to till when till asked for sex. But she did say no, and till might not have been happy, but respected it. 

As far as the drugging allegation, she has no positive drug test, the vilnius police closed their investigation, and multiple women were interviewed and had contradictory testimony discussing what happened. And as video evidence popped up all over the internet of how Shelby was really acting that night, I've come to the more mundane conclusion: she was drunk. 

Seriously, she got drunk, was acting very hyper and annoying, she was apparently invited undernieth the stage for sex, she said no, and then was brought back out to enjoy the rest of the concert.

That's it, that's the story. But she keeps insisting she was drugged. There's no evidence of this, and if anything evidence I've seen from the above interviews, video clips, and lack of evidence in the form of a positive drug test, it really seems to go the other way. She was very obviously drunk. And she probably had a really bad hangover for a variety of reasons. 

And yeah. That seems to be what happened.

And now she wants to destroy rammstein. Even thought she has no evidence. And all of this controversy started with her. And instead of taking the legal angle more seriously, she instead went off and and decided to start a me too social media campaign against till. And now the arguments are getting so abstract they're criticizing row zero itself, "imbalances of power", blah blah blah. 

It's crazy. 

And of course, the SJWs are so cultish with their "believe all women" sentiments they're rolling with it and doing this massive flak campaign against rammstein. 

Hence why I've been in a tizzy about it.

Honestly, I believe till is likely innocent. I know the dude's a horn dog, and it's fine if you have your own personal morality about till's sexual ethics, but in the grand scheme of things, I dont believe hes' done anything wrong, and other than needing to be more careful in the future with his casual sexcapades, I really don't think he needs to change his behavior much. 

But hey, these radfems need to start shoving their moral puritanism down everyone's throat, and IMO, they need to kindly screw off.

ANYWAY, that's enough of the discussion about shelby herself, let's go into her speech.

Shelby Lynn began her speech with a question: "If there is anyone here who knows of a young woman close to them who has been attacked, please raise your hand."

In fact, around 90 percent of the audience responded.

 There's going to be a sampling bias here. The people who attend these kinds of conferences are going to be significantly more likely than normal to be associated with this sort of stuff.

Still, I will grant her something. I did take a class in college on domestic abuse and generally speaking 1/4 women and 1/6 men do experience sexual assault at some point in their lives. Which is still a disturbingly high number. 

Still, as for what can be done about this, I really don't know. 

Lynn replied: "I think that speaks for itself. Something has to change. It can not go on like this. It's accepted, it's no longer news when someone is sexually assaulted or raped. Girls get murdered.”

 Okay, what changes, Shelby? Do you actually have any policy prescriptions to offer? Or are you just gonna sit here like "something needs to change"? Like, look at me, I found issues I care about, I literally offer specific policy suggestions on this blog and I literally advocate for politicians who support them.

If I were to consider the issue, I'd look at it like this. Okay, so rape is already on the books, so is sexual assault. And if anything the laws, at least here in the US, are strict enough where women actually could accuse someone of assaulting them simply for having sex with them while drunk. And I think these laws suck and actually put men in uncomfortable situations where women can just turn around and accuse men of assault even though the interaction seemed consensual at the time. 

Beyond that, I'd look at the criminal justice system. We have a system where people are innocent until proven guilty, many of these women who talk like this seem to want to do away with this presumption of innocence and needing evidence to convict people. They seem to want to lock people up based on their word alone. Which is messed up. That would lead to witch hunts and mob justice. And that's what's been rubbing me the wrong way, because I can see the logical outcome of these sentiments. No one really wants to live in a society where rape is legal and a common thing, BUT the problem with criminal justice is we need to strike a balance between punishing people guilty of actual crimes, and maintaining properly legal rights and procedures. Admittedly on sexual cases it can be hard to prove them in court. You know, needing evidence and stuff. But that doesnt mean we should lower or change the standards.

The problem is women need to act properly when this crap happens. And yes, Shelby, that means you. Ya know, I actually interacted with shelby the night she first made her first accusations on reddit. I literally told her if she was serious to GO TO THE POLICE, IMMEDIATELY. Not later, not tomorrow, NOW. Because if you want to maximize your chances of getting evidence, the sooner you get this documented the better. Get that drug test, get a rape kit. Get that bruise she was flaunting around checked out. Instead she decided to wait until the next day so she could call her mom. NO, DO NOT NOW.

The longer you wait, the more the evidence has a chance of going away. And then you cant prosecute whomever is responsible.

And I know a lot of the SJWs on the internet love to make excuses for women saying "well they can't really think rationally and blah blah blah", well, if you wanna be taken seriously, this is what you do. Quite frankly, Im sick of excuses. I understand how police procedures work on this matter, and if you want to be taken seriously and get the guilty prosecuted, that's what you have to do. Period.

Shelby Lynn continued: "In 2023 we shouldn't still be fighting for basic human rights. Girls, everyone here, we have so much power! You have no idea how powerful we are together. In the past three months since this happened to me – look at the difference that has already happened.”

 Ok, so feel good sentiments, and what difference has she made other than making a jerk of herself and giving the rammstein members a whole lot of stress and mental issues that are clearly wearing on some of them.

Lynn fumes: "It sickens me how we women are seen as objects. It's as if the men speak for us, we have no room for our own thoughts, feelings, moral concepts and we live in a man's world in which there is no such thing as equality. A man can walk alone at night, no problem. We, as women, are trained from an early age to look over our shoulder and be armed with keys between our knuckles.”

 Well, as I said, men do objectify women sometimes, but women also objectify men. I know tons of female members of the rammstein fanbase who love to objectify the band members. All of this anti objectification talk just leads to moral purism. Wanna reinvent religious social conservatism? Well, that's how. 

Beyond that, you're on a podium speaking to a bunch of women. You do have your own right to your opinion, as do I have mine. You have your social media accounts spamming your nonsense for the past  2 months. Stop acting persecuted. You're not persecuted. And of course people are gonna push back against you, that's life. ANd in this case they should. because quite frankly, I think you're a few fries short of a happy meal if you catch my drift.

Also, as for "a man can walk around at night"....sis, I have male family members who wont even leave their house without a GUN. Im also scared to leave my house at night. Because I live in a literal gunshot neighborhood. Im so sick of "ermahgerd, women are soooo scared and men can do anything they have privilege", yeah, we have more physical strength in theory. But we also are just as susceptible to being ganged up on by multiple people, or attacked with weapons like guns, knives, baseball bats, what have you.

This is why in America at least, guns are the great equalizer. If you were in america, I'd recommend you carry if youre oh so scared. Many states offered concealed carry permits. 

Maybe in Europe it's different, but still, arm yourself with what's legal. That's my advice to you. 

Then Lynn talks specifically about Rammstein concerts, she believes: "Many, if not most of these girls have suffered really great damage to their mental health afterwards. Some of them never get rid of it. Your life will change completely. You will lose everything. Her home probably, her family. Women who now have serious eating disorders. Just because they had to do with Rammstein."

 This stuff seems sooo hyperbolic, it sickens me. Maybe some have, but for the vast majority of it, rammstein makes us feel BETTER. their music improves our mental health. For every person you claim they hurt, they've probably helped hundreds or thousands. Can we seriously stop this crap about oh noes, our mental health is bad because we ended up in row zero.

Shelby, I know you appeared to be living under a rock with the row zero stuff, but like, seriously, most people who go to row zero WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH TILL LINDEMANN. Heck, you encountered some of them on reddit that night you made your accusations. And many were angry at you for your accusations. Like, again, if we were to really look at the help/harm ratio of till lindemann, I'm pretty sure the "help" greatly outweighs the harm. Sucks you had a bad experience, but nothing actually even happened to you, so move on already and stop trying to ruin a good thing for those of us who WERE helped by till and rammstein.

Then Lynn talks about the "Row Zero" at Rammstein concerts, from which girls are said to have been selected for the private parties:

“This is systematic abuse and it has been going on for so long. Too long. Going back to the beginnings of Rammstein, how many affected girls are there? It's not just about me. It's not ten, it's not 50. I don't know, but it could be thousands.”

 It depends what you define as abuse. Im literally under the assumption the sex was mostly consensual. I do think, given the sheer number of encounters some may have had negative experiences, but that is life, learn and more on. I really dont view the band members as rapists. AT WORST it was one of those "drunk on drunk" situations that I really dont think should be considered rape anyway. And even then, you'd need to prove that.

And yes, I have heard the testimonies from others. Many of the situations were sensationalized by media and taken out of context to sound worse than they were. How do I know this? Because one media outlet posts a more thorough description of the incident and the person in question doesnt even consider it rape, and it doesnt sound like rape, but then the next takes the statements out of context.

Quite frankly, if these women have any serious evidence, they should take it to court. Otherwise, I dont know what this is supposed to accomplish other than being a circlejerk.

it's like SJW women just wanna talk about their experiences, and at best do nothing, and at worst, change our entire justice system to allow mob justice based on their testimonies alone. 

Again, we have standards of evidence for good reason.

Lynn's appeal: "If we continue to allow this behavior, the girls will not be able to recover. The women are not healed, they pass on their experiences to their children.”

 You have to allow it, because the alternative is authoritarianism and mob justice.

Finally, Shelby Lynn announces, "I'll never shut up. Never. Just one thing: women, know your limits. If you don't like something, say 'No, that's not okay!' Don't accept everything just because everyone else says so. If you don't feel good, say no! Set your limits! Get these people out of your life!”

 Sure, on a personal level, yes, I wish women WOULD assert themselves more. Because if anything grinds my gears, its women NOT setting their limits then claiming rape later. Stand up for yourself. Say no. Express your limits. PLEASE. So we can't misunderstand you.

I mean, I have nothing wrong with this, but if I as a guy would say this, I get called a victim blamer. Funny how that works. 

Beyond that, I wish you should shut up, Shelby. Because youre not helping your cause. Like really, you're just making the rammstein members miserable when nothing happened to you, and youre hurting your cause with women too.

Like, seriously, who are you to speak as a victim for others when you're NOT A VICTIM?!

Seriously, you werent drugged, you werent raped. So I dont understand why this is so traumatic. MOVE ON. 

And yeah, that's her speech.

Honestly. I didn't hear any real solutions here. I already discussed the policy side of things. I already explained the functionalist reasons why our social structures are as they are and why they shouldn't change. And all I have to offer is helpful advice, some of which she agrees with. Yes, women, set your limits. And if you ARE raped, scream bloody murder the whole time and go to the police IMMEDIATELY.

Seriously, if till is really commiting these systematic rapes on a regular basis, the evidence should turn up sooner or later. That's the other side of the coin. Yes, a lot of crimes go unpunished in our society because of our legal system and the rights it affords people. BUT....the serial offenders do end up having the odds catch up to them. So yeah. If till is a serial rapist who harmed thousands of women or whatever, something should stick sooner or later, but women have to be proactive and actually seek prosecution here. 

Social media campaigns are just a circlejerk. And while raising awareness is good, it's not really helping anything here. Because quite frankly, she's not a victim, she wasn't raped, she wasn't drugged, and her campaign against Rammstein is well beyond the point of full on defamation in my opinion. 

I really wish this woman WOULD shut up and go away. Not just for Rammstein's sake but the sake of actual sexual abuse survivors everywhere. Seriously, this woman, IMO, makes a mockery of the situation. She destroys credibility. She turns people against her. She's alienated me and put the final nail in the coffin driving me to the social center where i more explicitly reject all of this "woke" stuff. Because at the end of the day, these guys offer no meaningful solutions that would contribute positively to society. it's just a feel good circlejerk at best, and a movement that threatens our legal rights and liberties at worst. So yeah. I can't support shelby, or the metoo movement in general any more.

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