Thursday, October 27, 2016

I'm fed up with this election

I haven't been posting much about the election other than my updates on the state of the polls, in part because of lack of motivation to broach any deep topics, and in part because I've just run out of things to say. I might come out with a couple posts before the election happens to remind people why I am voting the way I'm doing so, but honestly, I'm just fed up with the state of politics in the US.

It's hard to make me so darned unmotivated. I normally live for election years. I'm normally, at least semi enthusiastically pushing one candidate over another. Even if I don't like the candidate I'm voting for, I'll normally enthusiastically support them over the other.

Not this time. The republicans are awful, but honestly, this election has made me lose faith in the democratic party too. I went into this election fired up and ready to go. I wanted to push for candidates and policies that brought America forward, that made our lives better, that represented real progress. We have serious issues, and going into it, I believed we needed a new FDR to address them. Before FDR, we were more or less a gilded age society. The market reigned supreme, and people had to sink or float in a darwinistic market system. That toppled over during the great depression, as unemployment reached 25%. While the great recession hasn't been as bad due to our learning from the past (it very well could have been that bad if not for actions taken by the Bush and Obama administrations), we have a lot to go. I personally feel like I face no prospects of the future, and am one of the "basement dwellers" Hillary Clinton was speaking of. The thing is though, we can't just fix this by doing more of the same. Combining my education with my observations of society, and talking with others in a similar boat, it seems clear that we have some very serious structural problems going on. And we need a NEW FDR to fix it.

Bernie Sanders represented that FDR. He didn't advocate for everything I liked, but he at least would've gotten the ball rolling. He spoke my language, understood what the problem was, proposed solutions to the problem. While a Sanders presidency wouldn't get us all there, it would've been a monumental step in the right direction, perhaps ushering in a new way of thinking that could have changed the culture of washington for the next few decades.

Not there was a problem, and that problem was Hillary Clinton. She wanted what she thought was hers, and that is the presidency. She conceded to Obama in 2008, and now she comes back feeling entitled to the position, and the democratic party backs her. So they suppress Sanders insurgent candidacy, crush our hopes and dreams, and tell us we better support her or else.

Clinton has hit all the wrong notes this election. She couldn't have alienated me more if she tried. She's out of touch, she doesn't care, she's in it for herself, she is pushing more of the same, and most importantly, I don't think she gives a crap what we think. The democratic party doesn't give a crap what we think. They're just as bad as the freaking republicans at this point. They've become republicans more or less. And watching debates, not just on the presidential level, but the senate level, I feel like I'm watching a debate between fake conservatives and real conservatives. There's no liberalism there, and what is there is dressed up and spun in an apologetic fashion to appeal to conservatives.

We don't have a real left wing party in America, we have two right wing parties that give different flavors of corporate desired policies. One is a bad cop who outright wants to screw you over, and one is a good cop, who claims to be on your side but isn't. And that's the truth about the democrats under Hillary. She's just as bad as the republicans, she just dresses it up better.Both candidates are hated. Trump is the most hated in the history of polling, and Clinton isn't far behind. Both have favorability numbers comparable to the likes of Goldwater and McGovern.Going beyond Clinton, Trump is so dumb I almost never bring him up on here because there's nothing worth bringing up. He's an orange buffoon who talks like he knows everything, while knowing nothing. He's a total noncandidate to me. He's not even worth discussing.

I'm just fed up. This election sucks, I just want it to be over, or at the very least I want a do over without these two people running. This is the crappiest, most disgraceful election I've ever had the displeasure of seeing. Neither candidate is likeable, neither will do what needs to be done, and oh gosh, the dirtiness, if you wonder why it's gotten this bad, it's not because these were our only options. It's because the Clinton campaign rigged their way to the top. The amount of sheer dirtiness, the harassment from Clinton trolls online, the rigging, both covert and overt, the media bias, it's like something out of a 1984-esque dystopian fantasy. It's just horrible. It's just horrible. I'm done discussing this topic.

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